A friend spills their juice.
Offer: Te cojo un papel.
A game is about to start, and you want to join.
Decision: ¡Yo también juego!
I'll play too!
Someone is having trouble with their computer.
Offer: Te ayudo a arreglarlo.
I will help you (to) fix it.
The teacher needs someone to erase the board.
Offer: Te lo borro.
I will erase the board for you.
I will erase it for you.
You realize you forgot your homework at home.
Decision: Se lo explicaré a la profe.
I will explain my situation to the teacher.
The teacher asks who can carry books to the library.
Offer: Yo lo hago.
I'll do it.
You feel like reading a book.
Decision: Leeré después de la cena.
I'll read after dinner.
A classmate is new and doesn’t know where the classroom is.
Offer: Te enseño cómo ir.
I will show you the way.
I will show you how to get there.
A classmate doesn't have a pen.
Offer: Te presto el mío.
I'll lend you mine.
You just noticed it's raining outside.
Decision: Llevaré paraguas.
I'll take an umbrella.
Your friend is cold.
Offer: Te presto mi jersey.
I'll lend you my sweater.
You can’t decide what to do after school.
Decision: Iré al parque.
I will go to the park.
You’re in the cafeteria and need to choose a drink.
Decision: Tomaré zumo de naranja.
I'll have orange juice.
A friend is looking for their glasses.
Offer: Te ayudo a encontrarlas.
I'll help you find them.
You're choosing a movie to watch.
Decision: Veré la nueva peli animada.
I'll see the new animated film.
Someone drops their keys in the playground.
Offer: Te los cojo.
I will pick them up for you.
Your sibling is struggling with a puzzle.
Offer: Te ayudo a acablo.
I'll help you finish it.
You can’t find your notebook.
Decision: Buscaré en la taquilla.
I'll look in my locker.
A friend forgot their lunch.
Offer: Comparto mi sándwich contigo.
I will share my sandwich with you.
You realize you’re thirsty during a break.
Decision: Voy a por agua.
I'll go get some water.