I played soccer for 8 years
Who is Alex Diaz
I've met Kobe Bryant.
Who is Alex Vega
Growing up I hated the color pink
Who is Cid'Ni Wilkerson
I am Grand Champ on Rocket League
Who is Mason Murray
I studied Criminal Justice
Who is Marc Perdomo
I fell through a roof
Who is Hannah Siren
I have tattoos
Who is Jake Lessig
I used to run a One Direction Facebook fan account called "100% Directioner"
Who is Payton Sturm
I had lasik eye surgery
Who is Daniella Cortes
I personally know Deion Sanders
Who is Aneesa Patel
I totaled my car in HS because the mechanic didn't secure the wheels
Who is Cody Chase
I lost $400 on Julius Randle Rebounds on a Tuesday Evening
Who is Danny Peters
I broke my teammates arm
Who is Haley Le
I have been driving since 13 years old
Who is Peyton Williams
I’ve beat Dirk in Pop A shot basketball
Who is Riley Wayland
I did runway modeling when I was a kid
Who is Thomas Watson
I believed in Santa Claus till 15
Who is Devin Aguado
I almost died in a great wolf lodge
Who is Kole Kloostra
My second cousin is Tom Cruise
Who is Corrie Pfeiffer
I am allergic to cantaloupe
Who is Aviel Mudilar
I lived in the Netherlands for the better part of a year
I have been inside an Egyptian Pyramid
I can eat 8lbs of crawfish by myself
Who is Tori Hawk
I was a D1 athlete in the Big 12
Who is Cade Clark
Was a competitive ballroom dancer for 10 years and won two national titles
Who is Abby Kessen