Inappropriate Language
Physical Contact
Disrespect and Defiance
& Cheating
Observable Behaviors

During a group activity, Jamie gets frustrated and mutters a mild curse word under his breath.

Classroom Managed - The teacher hears it and immediately addresses Jamie, reminding him of the classroom's language policy and reteaches the behavior expectations. 


After being warned several times about play fighting, Jordan and Chris are caught pushing and shoving each other again in the hallway.

Office - The teacher decides that this repetitive behavior needs to be addressed more seriously and sends both students to the principal's office. The principal schedules a meeting with their parents to discuss the ongoing issue and the potential consequences of continued behavior.


During a group discussion, Olivia rolls her eyes and mutters "Whatever" when the teacher asks her to participate.

Classroom - The teacher pauses the discussion, addresses Olivia's disrespectful behavior, and discusses how her actions affect the class.


During a math test, Emma is caught glancing at her neighbor’s paper.

Classroom - The teacher notices and quietly moves her to a different seat, allowing her to complete the test independently. After the test, the teacher has a private conversation with Emma about honesty and the importance of doing her own work.


Mia is caught doodling on her desk instead of completing her assignment.

Classroom - The teacher addresses her behavior by asking her to clean the desk and then providing her with a fresh start to complete the task. Mia is also asked to finish the work she missed during lunch.


During recess, Alex loudly curses at another student after losing a game. The teacher overhears and addresses the language. Alex then tells the teacher that he does not care what she thinks and that she is a "b*tch". 

Office - Alex is sent to the principal’s office, where a phone call is made to his parents to discuss the situation.


While working on a group project, Emma lightly shoves her friend as a joke.

Classroom - The teacher immediately addresses the behavior, reminding Emma that even playful pushing is unacceptable. She assigns Emma to a seat away from the group for the rest of the day and has a private discussion with her about appropriate ways to interact with classmates.


After being told to stop talking multiple times during a test, Ethan loudly exclaims, "You’re not the boss of me!" and continues to disrupt the class.

Office - The teacher deems this a significant act of defiance and sends Ethan to the principal’s office for further consequences, where a parent meeting is scheduled.


Jacob claims he completed his assignment but is unable to produce it when asked.

Classroom - The teacher suspects he’s lying and asks him to stay after class to discuss the importance of honesty. Jacob admits he didn’t do the assignment, and the teacher gives him an additional task to reinforce responsibility.


During a group activity, Ethan repeatedly ignores the teacher’s instructions and starts wandering around the classroom, disrupting others.

Classroom - The teacher gives Ethan warnings and reteaches Ram Code behavior expectations. 

Office - After several warnings, the teacher sends Ethan to the principal’s office for continued non-compliance. The principal arranges a meeting with Ethan’s parents to discuss a plan for improving his classroom behavior.


In the middle of a science lesson, Michael yells out an offensive slur in response to a wrong answer from a classmate.

Office - The principal follows up with a meeting involving Michael, his parents, and the teacher to discuss appropriate behavior.


During lunch, Sophia and Mia get into an argument, and Sophia pushes Mia hard enough that she falls to the ground.

Office - The teacher immediately steps in and sends Sophia to the principal's office for aggressive behavior. The principal issues a suspension for the day and requires a parent meeting before Sophia can return to school.


When asked to move to a different seat, Jacob refuses and says, "I like it here, I’m not moving."

Classroom - The teacher calmly reminds Jacob of the classroom expectations and offers him a choice: move now or stay after class to discuss it. After some hesitation, Jacob decides to move to the new seat.


Ava is found to have lied about another student’s behavior, accusing them of something they didn’t do, which led to an unfair punishment.

Office - When the truth is discovered, Ava is sent to the principal’s office for lying and causing harm to another student. The principal requires a meeting with Ava, her parents, and the affected student to address the situation and issue appropriate consequences.


While lining up for lunch, Sophia starts fidgeting and pushing the person in front of her.

Classroom - The teacher steps in, gently reminding Sophia about keeping her hands to herself, and has her move to the back of the line as a consequence. Later, the teacher speaks with Sophia about the importance of respecting personal space.


Sarah is working on a challenging math problem and, out of frustration, says, "This is stupid."

Classroom - The teacher calmly pulls her aside after class and discusses why it's important to express frustration in more appropriate ways. The teacher then has Sarah apologize to the class for her language and assigns her to help clean up the classroom after school.


During recess, Max and Liam start playfully pushing each other while waiting in line for the slide.

Classroom - The teacher notices and steps in, reminding them that play fighting is not allowed. She has them both sit out for the rest of recess and write a reflection on how their actions could lead to someone getting hurt.


When asked to follow directions during a fire drill, Ava refuses and walks away from the group, stating, "I’m not doing this."

Office - The teacher views this as a serious safety issue and sends Ava to the principal’s office, where she is given an in-school suspension and a parent conference is arranged.


During a quiz, Ethan is caught using a small cheat sheet hidden in his desk. The teacher confiscates the cheat sheet.

Office - The teacher sends Ethan to the principal’s office. The principal meets with Ethan and his parents to discuss the seriousness of cheating along with an additional consequence.


Jamie is seen purposefully tripping another student in the hallway, causing them to fall.

Office - The teacher immediately intervenes and sends Jamie to the principal’s office for physical aggression. The principal meets with Jamie and his parents to discuss the serious nature of the behavior and implements a suspension.


During a classroom debate, Taylor angrily tells another student to "shut up" and follows it with a derogatory term.

Office - The teacher instantly stops the discussion and sends Taylor to the principal’s office, as this language is not tolerated. The principal then suspends Taylor for a day and requires a meeting with Taylor to reteach Ram Code expectations upon return. 


In the middle of a gym class, Ethan and Noah start play fighting that quickly escalates into a more aggressive physical altercation.

Office - The gym teacher separates them and sends both students to the principal’s office, where they are given in-school suspensions and required to participate in conflict resolution sessions before returning to class.


Mia refuses to start her work and says, "I’m not doing this, it's stupid!"

Classroom - The teacher provides a calm reminder of expectations and offers a choice: start the assignment now or complete it during recess. Mia eventually decides to begin her work after the teacher’s reminder.


Olivia tells the teacher she didn’t talk during independent work time, even though several classmates reported otherwise.

Classroom - The teacher calmly reviews the classroom expectations with Olivia and has her write an apology note to the class for disrupting their work time.


During a quiet reading time, Liam is repeatedly tapping his pencil on the desk, distracting others.

Classroom - The teacher calmly reminds him of the expectation to maintain a quiet environment and asks him to put the pencil away. If the behavior continues, the teacher has Liam take a brief break to reset before returning to his seat.
