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Pop Culture

It’s not Monopoly money, but these allow executives to buy company shares at a set price, regardless of the market value.

What are stock options?


The League of Nations, an international peacekeeping body, was founded after this conflict but failed to prevent the next global war.

What is World War I?


With sunlight as its fuel, this amazing process in plants turns light into chemical energy — without it, we wouldn’t have food or oxygen.

What is photosynthesis?


His songs “Perfect” and “Shape of You” dominate wedding playlists worldwide, but this British singer-songwriter doesn’t seem to mind.

Who is Ed Sheeran?


This mountain, standing 29,032 feet tall, is the highest point on Earth and straddles the border between Nepal and Tibet.

What is Mount Everest?


This table in the proxy statement discloses the executives' unvested stock awards and unvested or unexercised option awards.

What is the Outstanding Equity Awards table?


In 1517, this German theologian nailed his 95 Theses to a church door, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

Who is Martin Luther?


E = mc². This genius equation comes from the scientist whose theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time.

Who is Albert Einstein?


This HBO series, often considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time, chronicles the rise and fall of a Baltimore drug empire.

What is The Wire?


The Amazon River flows through this country, which is home to the majority of the Amazon Rainforest.

What is Brazil?


When an executive is terminated, this type of agreement often guarantees a significant payout, sometimes controversially referred to as a “parachute.”

What is a golden parachute?


A medieval king had no choice but to sign this document at Runnymede in 1215, laying the groundwork for constitutional rights.

What is the Magna Carta?


Making up about 78% of Earth’s atmosphere, this gas is essential to life, but we can’t breathe it in its pure form.

What is nitrogen?


This 2020 film, directed by Chloé Zhao, made history as the first film directed by an Asian woman to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.

What is Nomadland?


Separating Europe from Asia, this mountain range stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes of Kazakhstan.

What are the Ural Mountains?


The most common term length for executive stock options, typically giving executives this many years to exercise their options before they expire.

What is 10 years?


The 1799 discovery of this artifact, now housed in the British Museum, was key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

What is the Rosetta Stone?


The event horizon marks the boundary beyond which nothing can escape the gravitational pull of one of these cosmic phenomena.

What is a black hole?


This Oscar-winning director made his name with quirky films like Bottle Rocket and The Royal Tenenbaums and is known for his highly stylized cinematography.

Who is Wes Anderson?


This African lake, the second-largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, is a vital resource for the countries of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya.

What is Lake Victoria?


This term refers to the act of retroactively issuing stock options on dates when the share price was lower than the current price.

What is backdating?


Signed in 1648, this series of treaties ended the Thirty Years' War and marked the beginning of modern state sovereignty in Europe.

What is the Peace of Westphalia?


This type of symbiosis occurs when one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed, as seen in barnacles on whales.

What is commensalism?


Elle Woods took on Harvard Law in this 2001 movie, but this actress earned serious accolades for her role as June Carter Cash.

Who is Reese Witherspoon?


This country is the only one in the world whose flag features a depiction of a modern weapon, specifically an AK-47 assault rifle.

What is Mozambique?
