This song is written by Sarah McLachIan
A: You've Gotta Friend In Me
B: Mustache
C: When she loved me
When she loved me
On this question, 3 words will be taken outguess the OG movie quote. To make it harder I didn't put the movie of it in the answers and I took out part of the word as well But tell you feel.
A: Toy Story C: Men of Honor
B: Life of Pi
What is Iron Giant
The correct quote was,
" But chu tell me you gotta feeling?"
This song is written by Randy Newman
A: Old Mcdonald had a farm
B: Baby Shark
C: You've Gotta friend in me
You've gotta friend in me
In the question, 3 words will be taken and I took a part of one of the words out. We duck cove!
A: Journey To The Center Of The Earth
B: Iron Giant
C: The Fugitive
Iron Giant
the correct quote was,
In this question, i2 words will be taken out and I took a piece of the word out. it a mis!
A: Toy Story 1
B: Sneakers
C: Avengers Endgame
Toy Story 1
The correct quote was,
In this question, 1 word will be taken out. And I took out a piece of the word, and I didn't put the name of the movie with one of the answers
A: Despicable Me B: The Peanuts Movie
C: Frozen
The answer was Avengers Endgame
but the correct quote was
Avengers... Assemble
IN this question 2 words will be taken out and then I took out one of the correct answers. And am Man
A: Captin American: Winter Soldier
B: Everyone's Hero
C: The Patriot
The correct answer was:
Avengers Endgame and the correct quote was,
And...I am... Iron Man