Alternative name for a pacifier
What is a binky? A paci?
The repeated gentle patting on a baby's back to release swallowed air.
What is burping?
This traditionally hangs over a baby's head in the crib
What is a mobile?
The average cost to raise a child from birth to 17 years.
What is $233,610?
Give yourself points if you guessed within $25,000 of this number.
Tonia's favorite color
What can a baby do up until 7 months that an adult cannot?
Breathe and swallow at the same time!
A newborn goes through this amount of diapers in a day.
What is 7? If you guessed within 1 (6, 7, or 8 diapers), give yourself points!
The term for a doctor specializing in babies and children.
What is a pediatrician?
Newborn babies are unable to do this, even though it seems like something they would do a lot.
What is Cry Tears? (They can not produce tears until they are bigger)
Where did Tonia and Christian first meet?
Cornell University
This device helps soothe a baby's gum
What is a teething ring?
This accounts for 25% of a newborn's weight.
What is the head?
A baby uses this to scoot around the house.
What is a walker?
This is the first sense that a baby develops.
What is hearing?
Tonia's sports in High School
Cross Country and Swimming
The most common first word spoken by a baby
What is Dada?
Babies recognize their mom's voice at birth, but it takes this long to recognize their dads voice.
What is 2 weeks.
If you guessed within 2 weeks (1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks), give yourself points.
Term to describe wrapping a baby after birth, for comfort, or sleep
What is swaddling?
A baby has this many bones
Around 300!
Name at least two countries they have visited.
Columbia, Israel, Dominican Republic, Jamaica etc.
When mom is 36 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of this vegetable.
romaine lettuce or cabbage
This is the year Desitin diaper rash cream was invented.
What is 1919?
If you guessed within a decade (1909 to 1929) give yourself points.
On average, how many diapers will a baby go through from birth to potty training?
Around 8,000
A baby gets its fingerprints at what age?
3 month fetus!
Who has more siblings?