what is the name of noelles dad
jeopardy character 1.wav
sans undertale
the name of the dark-type elite 4 member in hoenn
It loves things that sparkle. When it sees a shiny object, the gold coin on its head shines, too.
don't forget is in like half of the soundtrack
in chapter 2, there's a tea salesman that gives you teas based on party members, and heals members based on how they feel about that character
whose tea heals the most overall
susie tea
jeopardy character 2.wav
what is melony's ace pokemon
It launches swarms of missiles, each made of cream and loaded with 100,000 kilocalories. Get hit by one of these, and your head will swim.
tem shop
what do you get from spamton by finishing his fight with mercy?
jeopardy character 3.wav
this pokemon has the signature ability "color change"
It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it.
Alolan Raichu
thrash machine
this is just lancers theme in a trench coat
other than don't forget, there is 4 songs in the deltarune soundtrack that use words in them
name any one of them
spamton, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A, BIG SHOT, and it's pronounced "rules"
jeopardy character 4.wav
ema skye
what pokemon do you get with the fossilized bird and fossilized dino
It’s found crawling on beaches and seafloors. The coral that grows on Corsola’s head is as good as a five-star banquet to this Pokémon.
ghost fight
what is the origin of all the voicelines jevil says
a series of clown stickers
jeopardy character 5.wav
maya (persona)
the mega pokemon that serena/calem has in the postgame
As a result of Mega Evolution, its power has been entirely converted into psychic energy, and it has lost all strength in its muscles.
(the theme of seams shop)
this is just rude buster slowed down