Donor Adverse Events
Donor Counselings
Arm Checks
Health Assessments

If a donor starts complaining of pain during a donation, is it an automatic DAE? 

It is only a DAE if its shooting pain up or if the pain persists longer than 10 minutes

During an arm check, where would the MSA navigate to see what the screener saw to fail the arm check? 

Navigate to Questionnaires, unsuitable arm check, view interview and then the magnifying glass 


Donor is sent to medical for having a bruise to left wrist, suitable? 

Donor would be suitable since bruise is more than 3inches from left AC . 

During the physical, you notice that the donor has multiple bruises on the donor's neck, suitable? 

Per MSR, hickies or "Love Bites" are suitable as long as skin is not open


What is the other title in Harry Potter's and The  Sorcerers Stone? 

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone  


What is the difference between nomogram A & B? 

Nomogram A is for RIKA and NexSys machines and B is for PCS2 machines 


Can a sample be taken to confirm HCV? 

No, a confirmatory sample can only be taken for STS, no other VMT


A donation related bruise with the size of 2 1/2x1 3/4inch would meet the criteria for?

Post Donation Donor Adverse Event 


During the physical, you notice that the donor has a large scar on their abdomen. You ask about it and they said they were stabbed 10 years ago. Suitable? 

Document in a Medical Note: Per MSR and Unsuitable Events Management Table, donor is suitable 

What type of breathing style does Inosuke Hashibira use? 

Beast Breathing 

If the donor has a reaction during their saline cycle, what volume do you put in Step5 (Oral Fluid/Saline)? 

You enter the volume amount prior to event on Step 2 (Initial Assessment) and the difference in volume in Step 5 (Oral Fluid/Saline) 


Donor is sent to Medical for Review, Overharvest Medical Review. What do you do? 

Determine whether or not a DAE occurred from the overharvest. If a DAE occurred, write up the DAE


Donor sent to medical for having a closed wound to their left hand, suitable? 

Suitable since wound is closed, per MSR, donor is suitable for donation 


During medication review, donor tells you that they are taking Labetalol, Captopril & HCTZ w/lisinopril for their HTN, suitable? 

Per MSR, since donor is taking 3 medications to help control their HTN, donor is suitable

What is the name of what makes time travel possible? 

The Flux Capacitor 


What is the ASCEND technique and what is it for? 

Flexing both feet while breathing in for 3 seconds, then extending one foot for 3 seconds. Repeat process and alternate flexing foot. 

It is a voluntary technique that allows donor to focus on the movements controlling their anxiety during the donation procedure therefore, reducing risk of DAEs through Vasovagal/Hypotensive Events


Donor reports to medical for having a Medical Review (Multiple Non Reportable Medical Review), what do you do? 

Review donor's last few donations and see what non reportable reactions the donor experienced and counsel based off of those

Donor sent to medical for having two donation related bruises to both ACs due to getting stuck twice, suitable? 

Determine size of each bruise for possible DAE but unsuitable since no both ACs having bruising


During the physical on the mouth inspection, you notice extra bone growth under the tongue. Suitable? 

Reach out to CMD/CP for suitability. Mandibular Tori, MCF, suitable. 


When Goku is trying to use the Spirit Bomb, what does he need from every living thing on the planet? 

Their energy 


If the MSA can't stabilize the donor during the events and calls EMS and later transfers care, what document needs to be given to EMS for the ER Medical Staff? 

Center Information for Treating Facilities and Physicians 


Donor is sent to medical for having a Screening Test Trending Medical Review for failing their Total Protein 3x consecutively, what do you do? 

See WI, Screening Test Trending Review Actions Table for Total Protein. Seeing as there is not one for TP, the WI says "Reach out to CMD/CP or MedOps for donors that do not fit these scenarios"


Donor sent to medical for having a scabbed wound. You passed them and then later get called to the DF for the same donor because they opened up their scab while waiting to get stuck. Suitable? 

No, opened up wound, per MSR, donor is suitable for donation 


While resolving flags during the physical, you see that the donor was incarcerated greater than 3 days within the last 12 months. Suitable? 

Per Unsuitable Events Management Table, donor will be deferred 12 from date of release. 


What is in Fraulein Maria's(Julie Andrews) pocket that makes her freak out when she pulls is out? 

A frog 
