Settling Ohio
Wars / Battles
Ohio Becomes a State
Indians in Ohio
The War of 1812
This city was Ohio's first permanent settlement.
Marietta was Ohio's first permanent settlement.

Who fought in the French and Indian War?

French and Indians Vs. British / Colonist

When did Ohio become a state?
Ohio became a state on March 17, 1803.
Describe Tecumseh's background and his character.
Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian who became a great hunter and warrior. He was the scout of Blue Jacket. His father and most of his brothers were killed by the Americans. He was brave, determined, compassionate, and a great orator.
Describe the results the War of 1812.
When the War of 1812 ended the British promised to respect American independence. No mention was made of an Indian nation in Ohio.

What song was wrote during the War of 1812?

Star Spangled Banner


What Fort did the Ottawa Chief Pontiac surround?

Fort Detriot

Describe the path of the "traveling state capital" of Ohio, correctly naming and ordering all of the capital cities.
The first state capital was Chillicothe. It was moved to Zanesville, then back to Chillicothe. Finally, it was moved to Columbus, which had previously been known as Franklinton.
Name two harmful things that the Americans brought to the Indians. Explain why they were so harmful.
Two harmful things that the Americans brought are disease and whiskey. Many Indians caught diseases like smallpox and measles from the settlers, which they had never before been exposed to. Also, some Indians became addicted to whiskey and did not take care of their families.
Describe the Battle of Lake Erie.
A young sailor named Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet of ships and attacked the the British fleet at Put-in-Bay. Perry's ship was sunk, but he rowed to another boat and led his men to victory.
Why did people coming to Ohio settle near forts?
People coming to Ohio settled near forts for protection from Indian attacks.

What document set up statehood, freedom of religion, trial by jury, public schools and NO slaves?

Northwest Ordinance

What was required for a territory to enter the third stage of the Northwest Ordinance and become a state?
In order for a territory to enter the third stage of the Northwest Ordinance and become a state more than 60,000 free people must live there and the people must write a state constitution.
Describe three ways the Indians' lives changed when the settlers came to Ohio.
The settlers cut down trees and cleared fields for towns and farms; they took the Indian's land so that they could not grow crops; and they killed or forced wild animals to leave the area so that they had no meat to eat or furs to trade.
Describe the Battle of Fort Meigs.
William Henry Harrison, the general of the army in Ohio, built a large stockade called Fort Meigs. Tecumseh and the British attacked it twice, but the Americans fought bravely and won both battles.
What are three reasons why people coming to Ohio settled near rivers?
People coming to Ohio settled near rivers for ease of transportation, for a water source (drinking, irrigation), and for a food source (fish, wild animals coming to drink).

Who won the Battle of Fallen Timbers in an hour?

Mad Anthony Wayne beat the Native Americans- Little Turtle 


Who was the first governor of the Territory of Ohio? 

General Arthur St. Clair was the first governor of Ohio. 

Describe how William Henry Harrison felt about Tecumseh.
William Henry Harrison admired Tecumseh's determination and ability to unite his people. However, he knew that Tecumseh must be stopped.
Briefly describe the Battle of Fort Stephenson.
Tecumseh and the British army attacked Fort Stephenson, which is in present-day Fremont. A young soldier, 21 year-old George Croghan, was the commander of the fort. He had only one cannon, "Old Betsy," but used it skillfully to defeat Tecumseh.

Who did the most of Native Americans fight with during the American Rev. and War of 1812?



What battle ended Tecumseh's dream of keep Indian land?

Battle of Tippecanoe


When 5,000 free men settled in Ohio the second stage of government began as outlined in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Explain what took place during this stage.

In the second stage of the Northwest Ordinance, 5,000 free men elected a state legislature to make decisions. They also sent William Henry Harrison as a representative to the United States Congress. The representative could talk but could not vote there.

Name two causes and two effects of the Battle of Tippecanoe.
C: Tecumseh left Tippecanoe and traveled south to win over more tribes to his cause. E: Harrison raised an army and attacked Tippecanoe. C: The Indians fought hard but could not win. E: The Indians fled to their own villages and Harrison's army burned Tippecanoe to the ground. C: Tecumseh's village was destroyed and he was angry. E: Tecumseh went to the British and made a deal to fight alongside them if they would give Ohio to the Indians after they won.

Why the Americans declared war on Britain in 1812.

 1. The Americans wanted Great Britain to respect their independence. 2. The Americans wanted to trade freely with the French. 3. The Americans wanted their sailors to be safe on the high seas.
