Fact About Drackett
What is the address of Drackett?
191 West Lane Ave
Who Is The Current President of OSU?
Walter “Ted” Carter
If you're fighting with your roommates, who should you go to?
The RAsss!!!!
What is the largest zoo in the USA?
When was Drackett opened?
Name Five Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning
Sweating/Slow Breathing/Puking/Blacking Out/ Amnesia/Seizure
How many floors are there in Drackett?
Who is the creepy man in the painting in the front lobby?
Harry Drackett
When was the last time OSU won the National Championship?
Who are your assistant hall directors for Drackett?
Sierra Downing and Natalie Asher
What is the Hall directors Name?
Kevin Dao