4 Million
Name 2 of the ways to solve oil spills
(other then biremediation, booms, and in situ burning)
Sorbent, Pressure Washing, Skimmers, Dispersant, Burning
What is an issue with oil spills?
it can pollute and contaminate the local drinking water and the soil, if inhaled or contacted by the skin, might produce major health problems, etc
Who is most affected by oil spills?
Marine life
Where does crude oil come from?
Oil is the remains of ancient plants and animals
how big was the reduction of oil spills from the 1970s to 2020s?
from 900 to 27
What is In Situ Burning?
In situ burning is to burn the oil that has spilled from a facility, it reduces the amount of oil on the water
how many ways are there to clean up oil spills?
What is one thing that happens when animals come into contact with oil?
it can lead to behaviour changes, death, or health issues.
What health problems are caused to humans when they ingest oil?
A damaged immune system, respiratory system, and cardiac functions
What is a way to prevent oil spills?
To prevent Oil Spills, we should Prevent oil to enter sewer drains and should seal sewer drains.
What are some downsides to oil?
Gas emissions, deforestation, and finite resources
What happens when oil comes in contact with soil?
It contaminates the soil with heavy metals which are toxic to plants.
How are Oil Spills usually caused?
they are usually caused by accidents with mostly oil tankers, oil barges, drilling rigs
What is Bioremediation and how is it used
Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms such as microbes and bacteria to decontaminate affected areas.
How many types of Bioremediation are there, and what are they?
there are 3, microbial bioremediation, phytoremediation, and mycoremediation.
What happens when oil comes in contact with coral reefs?
it kills the whole reef and affects the fish and animals that life in or around it.
What was the biggest oil spill in history?
The Deepwater Horizon Explosion
Why is Oil getting mixed with water bad for fur animals and birds?
What are Booms and how are they used?
Booms are floating barriers placed around an oil spill to contain the oil and stop it from spreading.
What happens when an oil spill is reported?
the canadian coast guard leads the response as the federal incident commander, they assess the initial situation and notify response partners.
Why do we need to stop the damage of oil spills before it becomes unreversible?
it effects everything and everyone on the earth.