The word Ojibwe named themselves that means "The People" or "The First People"
Anishinaabe (uh-nih-shih-NAH-BAY)
In which season did the Ojibwe live near marshes, ponds, & lakes in order to harvest wild rice?
Fall / Autumn
Which group of Indians lived in MN first? (Dakota or Ojibwe)
True or False: Ojibwe, Ojibway, Ojibwe, & Otchipwe are all correct forms of spelling to refer to the Anishinaabe people.
Purposeful retelling of stories about the histories and legends of a group in order to teach about that culture, AND a very important aspect of life for the Ojibwe
Oral Tradition (Oral History)
Coming from the East Coast Atlantic Ocean and Great Lakes area, the Ojibwe were skilled at _______ and could do it all year long!
In which season did the Ojibwe live in the forest? They told stories (Oral Tradition) but each family lived alone & away from the village so they might become a little lonely. (The men hunted, trapped, fished, and made decisions about the family while the women made clothes.)
Ojibwe used which substance to "give back" to the natural world as thanks for the animals & plants they harvested & shared. They also used this substance to burn during certain prayers because its smoke was believed to carry their words to the Great Spirit, Kichi-Manitu.
Another name (nickname) for the Ojibwe often used by the U.S. Government
The Ojibwe first moved into the edge of whose territory between 1500-1600s?
In which season did the Ojibwe live in bark houses at a sugar camp so the women could set up the wigwams and began making maple sugar.
Unlike the Dakota, the Ojibwe lived mostly in the forest where it was hard to maneuver around trees. For that reason Ojibwe did not use _____ to help them travel to new locations/camps.
A family group or clan
What prompted (caused) the Ojibwe to migrate?
One of Seven prophets told them that they would move to a place where "food grew on water" and they would make seven stops along the way.
List two main differences betwee Dakota & Ojibwe.
Dakota = lived in tipis & used hollowed out logs for canoes Ojibwe = lived in birchbark wigwams & built birchbark canoes Both had different languages, customs, & beliefs.
What method of transportation did the Ojibwe use to travel to their summer villages (and also much of their migration to MN)?
If the Ojibwe were making their journey today, name three states they would pass through
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin. The Ojibwe passed through part of the Canadian province of Ontario too.
When the Wild Rice was harvested, but before moving to the winter location, where did the Ojibwe travel and why?
Back to their summer camps to harvest the crops women had planted: corn, pumpkins, squash, and potatoes.
Why did Dakota & Ojibwe rarely hunt during the summer months?
They knew it was best to leave the animals alone so that the animal parents could take care of their young. The Dakota & Ojibwe also wanted to help prevent animals from becoming scarce in future years. (You must say all of this for your 500 points!)
What did the Ojibwe use to help them travel in the winter months? (They would also use these to help them hunt better in the winter)