Men, Women, Nature
Moving with the Seasons
Similarities & Differences

The word Ojibwe named themselves that means "The People" or "The First People"

Anishinaabe (uh-nih-shih-NAH-BAY)


Define Migration:

The process of moving from one region or country to another


In which season did the Ojibwe live near marshes, ponds, & lakes in order to do the most important activity of this season: harvest wild rice?

Fall / Autumn


Which group of Indians lived in MN first? (Dakota or Ojibwe)



True or False: Ojibwe, Ojibway, Ojibwe, & Otchipwe are all correct forms of spelling to refer to the Anishinaabe people.



Purposeful retelling of stories about the histories and legends of a group in order to teach about that culture, AND a very important aspect of life for the Ojibwe

Oral History


The Ojibwe first moved into the edge of the Dakota's territory in the 1500-1600s, which means they began to live in Minnesota too. True or False: Many Minnesota places are named based on Ojibwe words for such places.

True (Like the city of Mahnomen being named after the Ojibwe word for wild rice = manoomin, because it was harvested in that area.)


In which season did the Ojibwe live in the forest? They told stories (Oral History) but each family lived alone & away from the village so they might become a little lonely. (The men hunted, trapped, fished, made bows & arrows, and made decisions about the family while the women sewed clothes and mended nets)



Ojibwe used which substance to "give back" to the natural world as thanks for the animals & plants they harvested & shared. They also used this substance to burn during certain prayers because its smoke was believed to carry their words to the Great Spirit, Kichi-Manitu.



Another name (nickname) for the Ojibwe often used by the U.S. Government



The outer covering of a specific tree that was used to create canoes and wigwams.

birch bark


Coming from the East Coast Atlantic Ocean and Great Lakes area, the Ojibwe were skilled at ________________ and both men and women could do it all year long.



In which season did the Ojibwe move to a grove of maple trees to live in bark houses at a sugar camp so that the women could set up the wigwams and began making maple sugar?



Both the Dakota and Ojibwe were Sovereign Nations. What does "sovereign" mean?

They are self-ruling and independent. (They can self govern so they are able to make their own governmental decisions, decide where to live, decide who to trade with, and who to fight with.)


Making birchbark canoes was a chore that took place in which season?



A type of round dwelling made from poles and saplings that the Ojibwe lived in most of the year



Ojibwe men and women shared some jobs like fishing, BUT which of these jobs was done only by Ojibwe men, and which were done by only Ojibwe women? Hunting, Making bows & arrows, Setting up the wigwam, Planting the crop gardens, Tanning hides and Sewing clothes.

Men = hunting, making bow & arrows Women = setting up the wigwam, planting crops, tanning hides, sewing clothes.


Ojibwe lived in villages near lakes & rivers. They feasted, danced and played LaCrosse. The women planted crops, tended, and harvested them. The men traveled and traded. During which season did these activities take place?



List two main differences between Dakota & Ojibwe.

Dakota = lived in tipis & used hollowed out logs for canoes Ojibwe = lived in birchbark wigwams & built birchbark canoes Both had different languages, customs, & beliefs. Both moved each season and spent all year preparing food for use during the winter months.


What method of transportation did the Ojibwe use to travel to their summer villages (and also much of their migration to MN)?

Birchbark canoe


An agreement made between two or more different groups to join forces to achieve a common goal; the participating groups are called allies.



In many ways, early Ojibwe life was constantly connected to nature. List 2 examples of how this is true:

They lived near and used the maple groves, lakes, rivers, pine forests, and marshes. They used the land to fish, hunt game, harvest wild rice, and make sugar from maple sap. They built homes from natural materials in the area where they lived. They moved from place to place each season for different activities and preparing different seasonal foods.


During the winter season, what were some chores the Ojibwe spent their time doing indoors?

Women - sewed clothing, moccasins, leggings, and jackets from animal hides/furs. Older women - wove & repaired fishing nets.


Why did Dakota & Ojibwe rarely hunt during the summer months?

They knew it was best to leave the animals alone so that the animal parents could take care of their young. The Dakota & Ojibwe also wanted to help prevent animals from becoming scarce in future years. (You must say all of this for your 500 points!)


What did the Ojibwe use to help them travel in the winter months? (They would also use these to help them hunt better in the winter)

