PP Basics
Meeting Etiquette
Know Your Church
The Agenda
This is used to present a piece of business or idea at a meeting.
What is main motion?
What is the first thing you do, if you desire to speak (or have the floor)?
Stand to be recognized
You are in a meeting, and the President has just finished presenting his/her officer report. How do you accept the report?
I move to accept the report of the President as presented.
What is the last item on a typical meeting agenda?
The adjournment.
How many editions of Robert's Rules of Order have been published? 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13?
There are currently 11 editions of Robert's Rules of Order.
Who rules?
What is the majority.
True or False: Even if you are not making a motion, you must always be recognized before speaking?
At what meeting level do on have to refer to yourself by name only when speaking?
The Local Church.
True or False: Devotion comes before the Call to Order.
False, The meeting should be Called to Order before any devotion begins in order to prepare the group for praise and worship.
True or False: Parliamentary Procedure is used to give a voice to the majority, while the minority rules.
False. Parliamentary Procedure is used to give a voice to the minority, while the majority rules.
True or False: A main motion needs a Two-Thirds Majority vote to pass?
False, a main motion only needs a simple majority to pass.
True or False: If you second the motion, you are saying that you agree with the motion?
False, if you second the motion, it means that you believe the motion is worthy to be considered before the group.
True or False: In a meeting on the Connectional level, when speaking, you should refer to yourself by name and Episcopal District?
True or False: New Business consists of any items that did not receive enough discussion at the last meeting?
False, that is considered old business. New business consists of any items that have yet to be discussed or considered by the group.
What happens when a motion does not receive a second?
The motion fails.
What is the leading authority, and most widely accepted manual on Parliamentary Procedure?
Robert's Rules of Order
How do you properly address the presiding officer?
To stand and say "Madam/Mr. President."
If you are at a YPD meeting on the episcopal district level, how would you introduce yourself to speak?
Using your name and Annual Conference.
True or False: The secretary reads the minutes of the last meeting, which of outlining the items and business for the current meeting.
False, the minutes consists of the highlights and pertinent information from the previous meeting.
True or False: The author of the motion must speak last on the motion?
False, the author of the motion has the privilege of speaking first on the motion.
What does every main motion need to be considered for voting?
A Second
What does "Are you ready for the question?" really mean?
Is there any unreadiness?
True or False: A financial report must be approved by a majority vote.
False, Financial reports are only accepted, but can be asked to be sent to audit if corrections are needed.
True or False: Adjournment is always initiated by the President?
False, adjournment can be initiated by any member.
True or False: When the nays are in the majority when a motion has been taken to a vote, the presiding officer should state the result of the vote as, "Nays have it, motion carries".
False. When the Nays are in the majority when a motion has been taken to a vote, the presiding officer should state the result of the vote as "Nays have it, motion fails".