When should you turn in your lunch stick?
Before starting your morning work.
What should you do after using the bathroom?
Flush, wash your hands, return to class
Where do you put your backpack and coat?
On a hook
What is the #1 thing you should be doing in the lunchroom?
What is the correct way to use a slide?
Face forward, sitting on bottom, one at a time
How can you show your teacher that you are listening?
Sitting up straight, eyes looking, raising hand to participate
Why shouldn't we play in the bathroom?
It disturbs other classes, it's dirty (germs), it's not responsible, you'll lose your bathroom privledges
True or false? It is okay to look in and take things from someone else's backpack.
What polite words should you use when asking for lunch from the lunch ladies?
True or false? The field is the best place to play tag.
True. The field is a safe place to play tag. We don't play tag on the play structure.
What should you do if you need help with your work?
Raise your hand, ask a classmate
How many seconds should you wash your hands for?
At least 20 seconds
What should our class look like when we walk through the halls?
In a line, eyes forward, bodies to ourselves, quiet/silent voices
What should you do if you need help during lunch?
Raise your hand
What do you say if someone asks to play with you or join your game?
What should you do if you think you are done with your work?
How can you show responsibility in the bathroom?
Flushing, washing hands, throwing paper towels in the trash can, giving others privacy
Why is it important that we stay quiet in the hallways?
Shows respect for other kids/classrooms and doesn't disturb learning
Describe how the lunchroom should sound when we are showing the osprey way.
Sounds of eating, quiet talking
What should you do if you are having a problem at recess?
First, try to use your words. If needed, talk to the adult on recess duty.
What should you do if you make a mistake?
Erase it and try again
Smile! You just grew your brain.
When are the best times to use the bathroom?
At the beginning of the day, before/after recess
List at least 5 times when you might need to be in the hallway.
1. Hanging up coat or backpack 2. Getting snack 3. Walking to specials, lunch, library with the class 4. Going to the office or health office/nurse 5. Pack up, stack up at the end of the day
Put unwanted, unopened food and drinks for others
Take 1 item if still hungry or thirsty
Where are the 2nd grade playground boundaries?