What is our alignment vs. a slot edge?
Apex +1. 4-5 yards deep
How do we play a Hank concept? (Draw)
Should drop to play curl of #1.
What determines whether we are inside shade or outside shade when #2 is in the slot?
The proximity of #3. 3 far = Inside. 3 near = outside
When do we play F2?
Any x1 formations where #2 is in the backfield.
What is the ghost technique with back away from us and we have a 3 tech to our side?
What coverage do we play mix in? How is it different that Mod and Box?
Ape Hulk. Triggering now with QB/RB mesh.
What kind of coverage are we playing as a defense?
Zone match quarters.
When do we get in a 3x0 alignment?
Pro-type formations. Y-on and Fullback.
Any pro edge formations with y-off.
What are our two pass rush stunts? Which side is going?
Twist and Tango. The side to the strength call.
What kind of coverage are we playing as a defense?
Man Match Quarters.
When do we check to Lock with Ape Farm called?
When 2 & 3 are wider than 8+ yards apart.
What is our coverage responsibility?
What is the main coverage difference between Prime and our Cover 7/8 coverages?
Middle field closed. Others are middle field open.
What is our coverage technique?
First to flat between 2 & 3. Reading 3 to 2.
What is our coverage technique?
Hanging and banging.
If the near safety calls "special" to us. What does that mean? Does it change our coverage responsibility? How so?
It is a 3x1 check. It means we are playing M2M on #2 unless fast #3.
What is our alignment vs. x over formations? (Draw)
Play in a 50.
What are the three 3x1 checks we need to know?
Stump, Palms, and Special
What is the difference between Mod and Box? Think as an entire defense?
Mod = Corner pressed. Box = Corner off.
How do we play a mills concept? (Draw)
W/ #3 AWAY, take #2 back.
How do we play Mesh Rail? (Draw)
Take swing deep of #3.
What does Zorro mean? Does it mean anything to us?
It means we're zoning that side. We should always be playing Zorro to our side if we are in coverage. F2 is the only exception.
What are we communicating to the other OLB when we might be expecting a quick motion that changes the passing strength? Think 22 pers formations.