The Language of King Alfred
What is West Saxon?
Adapted from….
What Is Latin?
Most are used in Modern English
What is Old English?
Inflectional endings signalled grammatical structure and word order was rather free.
What is Sentence Structure?
The language of the Germanic inhabitants of England
What is Old English?
Survived by a little of the dialect
What is Kentish?
Added first the runic thorn (þ), and later eth (ð).
What is Anglo-Saxon?
Old English has 20 percent presence in Modern English
Is it False?
To read early English texts one must master the conjugations of verbs and the declensions of nouns, etc.
What is Word Forms?
Cynn “kin”
What is Hand/god/Man/Word?
Northumbrian & Mercian
What is Anglian?
The alphabet, with continental values (sounds), was used by scribal monks to spell words "phonetically".
What is Spelling?
What is Bear?
These categories of Old English words are declined.
What are Nouns, Adjectives & Pronouns?
Was a Synthetic language
Old English
Oldest Surviving dialect of Old English
The nature of non-standardized Anglo-Saxon
What are non silent letters?
What is Fast?
Typically suppletive in their declension
What are Pronouns?
Are not inflected, except for some adverbs with comparative and superlative forms
What are Parts Of Speech?
Old texts were writing in this dialect
West Saxon
Attempted to regularize spelling
Who is King Alfred?
“I am Rīce”
What is Rich?
Conjugated according to person, number, tense, mood
What are Verbs?
And, gif
What is If?