who sent Moses to tell Pharoah to let his people go?
who didn't Esau like
what was the bible made for?
it was made for knowledge in god
where was jesus born?
Who got rid of almost all the christens but changed his life.
How many years was Moses?
He was 120 years old.
is Jacob the bad guy or the good guy in the story.
he is the good guy. only because God did not punish him when he took Esau's birthright and blessed him.
were there missionaries in the bible?
Yes, cause peter and other apostates were spreading the word of god.
why was jesus crucified?
Because the temple leaders thought he was a threat.
is god dark and satan light OR is god light and satan dark
God is light and satan is dark
Were Pharoh and Moses brothers?
Yes or No.
A bowl of stew\soup.
who made genesis?
who did jesus say to love.
your neighbors.
how many chapters are in the bible?
66 chapters in the bible.
what colour was the water before he turned it red?
what did Esau steal from Jacob?
his camel.
do people sell bibles in stores?
in some stores but the answer is yes.
What was the angels name that told joseph to go to egypt.
did god say to hate your enemies or love them?
God said to love your enemies instead of hate.
What are the ten commandments that Moses mentioned?
I am the LORD thy God. No other gods before me. No graven images or likenesses. Remember the sabbath day. Honour thy father and thy mother. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
What part of the bible are Jacob and Esau in?
They are in Genisis.
how many authors are in the bible?
35 people.
who were the twelve disciples
Peter, Andrew, james, john, philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Zealot and Judas Iscariot
what would happen to satan at the end of the earth?
he will be sent in the fire and burn.