What is the first book of the Bible?
Who lead the Israelites into the Promised Land?
What is another word for Psalms?
What is a prophet?
Someone who hears from God and then speaks what he hears to the people.
Who were the leaders of Northern Israel and Judah after it split?
(clue: their names rhyme)
Jeroboam and Rehoboam
Quel est le premier livre de la Bible?
Who were the first two people on earth?
Adam and Eve
Name one of the judges.
Who wrote many of the Psalms?
Who were Daniel's 3 friends that were taken into captivity in Babylon?
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Which one was King Solomon's son was King of Judah?
Jeroboam or Rehoboam?
Qui etaient les deux premieres personnes que Dieu a creees?
Adam et Eve
Who built the ark?
Who were King David's great-grandparents?
Ruth and Boaz
What was David doing when he first started writing psalms (songs and poems)?
Shepherding sheep
King Nebuchadnezzar
Why did God allow the Jews to be taken captive to Babylon?
Because they kept sinning!
Qui a construit l'arche?
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Who was the first man to be anointed king of Israel?
King Saul
How many wives and girlfriends did King Solomon have?
How many years were the Israelites captive in Babylon?
70 years
Why did God tell King Cyrus that after 70 years the Israelites were free to go back to Judah?
God wanted them to rebuild the Temple so they would worship HIM!
Qui a conduit les Israelites hors d'Egypte?
Why did people have to sacrifice animals?
To pay for their sins.
After King Saul died, who became king?
King David
Who did David kill when he was just a young boy?
Why did King Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel in to talk to him a few times?
He had dreams that he wanted Daniel to interpret.
What river did they have to walk along and how many miles did they walk to get from Babylon back to Judah?
The Euphrates River and it was 1000 miles.
Qui est ort sur la croix pour nos peches?
How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
40 years
Who was King David's son?
Who was David's very best friend?
Jonathan (King Saul's son)
Why did Daniel's 3 friends have to go into the fiery furnace?
They would not pray to the other gods and statues of Babylon.
The Old Testament has 39 Books.
What country did each of these books point to?
Combien de livres y a-t-il dans la Bible?