What land did Israel possess but not wipeout their enemies completely?
What Judge tore down the altar of Baal?
Gideon ( a angel appears to him to deliver Israel from the Midianites)
What book of the bible comes before Judges?
The Judges did this for Israel?
Delivered or rescued the people.
What family line did the son of Ruth and Boaz start?
Jesse, David, Jesus
Which O.T. books are named after Women?
Ruth & Esther
What Judge told riddles to his girlfriend about how to capture him?
Samson- the secret to his strength
Which number in order, is the book of Judges?
7th book
What did the Philistines do to Samson in jail after they cut his hair?
Blinded him and let his hair grow back
What did the nation of Israel want after the time period of the Judges?
A King -like everybody else.
What book follows the Judges?
Which of the Judges was a woman?
Who are 3 of the main Judges?
Deborah, Gideon, Samson
What caused Israel to get oppressed during the time of the Judges?
Disobedience to God
What act of Boaz (for Ruth) became a tradition Israelites do for the poor, even as of today?
Gleaning the crops/fields
What is the seventh book of the Old Testament?
What did Samson use to kill over 1,000 Philistines?
The jawbone of the donkey
Fill in the blank. During the battle of Deborah and Gen. Sisera, the General died by_______________
Having a tent stake drove through his head.
Why did Naomi and Ruth move back to Bethlehem?
2 reasons
Death of the husbands and a famine in the land
Fill in the blank: For in those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was ___________________.
right in his/their own eyes
What did God tell Joshua and the Israelites would be a problem for Israel in the future?
Not driving out all of their enemies and playing nice with them and living among them.
What individual had great Faith, called for a nation wide prayer and fast and help save her people?
Who decided to follow Naomi to another land, adopt her people and worship her God?
What was Gideon's 2 tests for the Lord to know that it really was God talking to him?
The fleece being wet and then the fleece being dry.
What book did David write the majority of?