1 Samuel
2 Samuel

What does Joshua mean?

Joshua means the Lord saves.


What is the three- part cycle we discussed in the book of Judges?

The disobedience-discipline-deliverance cycle.


What were the responsibilities of the kinsman-redeemer?

A kinsman-reedemer must marry a brother's widow, buy back a family member sold into slavery, and protect the family land holdings.


Why did the Israelites say they wanted a king?

To be like the other nations; they did not want to be led Samuel's sons; they wanted someone to lead them into battle.  
Ironically, God had just delivered Israel from another nation, yet Israel wanted to be like the nations OGd could defeat.


What are the two ways the term house is used in 2 Samuel 7?

David used it to describe a temple of the Lord (a building), but the Lord spoke of it describing a dynasty that God would build David ( a family line).


Where in the New Testament is Rahab mentioned? How is she portrayed?

She is found in Jesus' genealogy (Matthew 1), in the great hall of faith (Hebrews 11), and in James as an example of demonstrated faith (James 2).

Faith transformed her life from an dishonorable unbeliever to an honorable believer and a part of the line of Jesus.

What are the key factors in Israel's failure in Judges?

The Israelites incomplete obedience in possessing the land and idolatry; they kept breaking the covenant with God.


What purposes for Ruth do the beginning and ending of the book reveal?

Ruth, Naomi, and others in the book are examples of godly people during the wicked period of Judges.  The story of Ruth also explains God's provision for a son in the line of King David.


What was the real reason behind Israel's desiring a king?

The real reason behind Israel's seeking a king was the Israelites' rejection of God's leadership.


What are the three basic promises of the Davidic covenant?

1. God would establish David's son on the throne.

2.  David's established son would build the temple.

3.  The throne of David would be established forever. This last promise is fulfilled through Jesus Christ.


What do the consequences of Achan's sin teach us?

The sin of Achan affected innocent people, including his family and thirty-six soldiers who died at Ai, and prevented God from giving His blessing to Israel.


What were the main elements of the Nazarite vow?

Nazarites were to separate from wine, dead bodies, and they were not supposed to cut their hair.


What did Samuel warn would happen if the Israelites chose a king?

Samuel warned that a king would draft their sons for the army, take their daughters as servants, seize their land, and tax the fruitfulness of their crops and flocks. All these warnings came true.


What lessons may be learned from David's sin and repentance in 2 Samuel 11-12?

The dangers of being idle.

The dangers of the abuse of power.

The damage caused by our attempt to cover up our sins.

The humility in admitting our sin.


Why did Caleb receive a special inheritance from the Lord?

 Caleb and Joshua were the only two of the Exodus generation who wholeheartedly followed the Lord from the beginning. Unlike that generation that perished in the wilderness, they received land in the Promised Land.


How did Samson break the Nazarite vow?

Samson touched the dead lion.

Samson allowed Delilah to cut his hair.

Samson threw a feast which would have included wine.


What were the main reasons God took the kingdom away from Saul?

Saul's disobedience and self-reliance.


What was the significance of recording the burial of Joseph's bones?

It showed fulfillment of God's promise to the land of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, and their descendants.  


How does the book of Judges end?

 "There was no king in Israel, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes".


Why didn't David take Saul's life, even though he had more than one chance?

David showed respect for the office of king because God had anointed Saul, and David exercised faith by waiting for God's timing.
