I freed the Hebrew slaves from Egypt, and I brought the 10 commandments from God.
Who is Moses?
My Faith in God for the Sacrifice of my Son.
Who is Abraham?
The amount of commandments Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai.
What is 10?
The departure of the Hebrews out of Egypt under Moses.
What is the Exodus.
To have question about one's Faith is to have ______.
What is doubt?
At God's request, I built an Arc that saved my family from the 40 days flood.
Who is Noah?
My Faith in God and the promise of leading the Hebrew people out of slavery.
Who is Moses?
This commandment tells me not to worship other idols.
What is the 2nd commandment?
A solemn promise.
What is a Covenant.
To trust in someone or something.
What is Faith?
God tested my Faith by asking me to sacrifice my only son.
Who is Abraham?
My Faith in God kept my family safe during the great flood for 40 days and 40 nights.
Who is Noah?
I am your God, do not place any other God before me.
What is the 1st Commandment?
Golden box that stored the 10 commandments.
What is the Arc of the Covenant?
Military leaders of the Hebrew people.
What are judges?
My brothers sold me to the Pharaoh of Egypt. I became the Pharaoh's dream interpreter.
Who is Joseph?
My Faith in God as I act as a Judge in the promise land.
Who is Gideon?
Thou shalt not...name three commandments.
What is????
One of the Judges of Israel.
Who is Gideon?
The name given to Jacob (Isaac's son) by the angel, and the name of descendants, the Hebrews.
What is Israel?
I led the Israelites across the Jordan river with the Arc of the Covenant.
Who is Joshua?
My Faith in God as I trust God to part the river of Jordan.
Who is Joshua?
The Holy chest that housed the 10 commandments?
What is the Arc of the Covenant?
The father of a group of people.
What is a patriarch?
Another name for the Virgin Mary, which means "one who gave birth to God."
What is the Theotokos?