Pros and Cons
Modern Day
Ancient Day
True or false

Name 2 pros of an Oligarchy 

  • Power is centralized within a leadership team, rather than involving everyone in every decision which can limit chaos. 

  • People can participate in activities, relationships and work while the group in power handles the larger issues of the society.

  • An oligarchy strives to keep the “status quo”, which breeds conservatism instead of taking on risky ventures.


Name 3 Modern day examples of Oligarchies

Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, and Russia are all examples of modern day


Define Oligarchy

An Oligarchy is a form of government in which a few select people rule the country and have complete control over all political decisions and the countries citizens.


Name 3 examples of Ancient Oligarchies

Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome are all examples of Ancient Oligarchies.


True or False Oligarchy governments are almost always unfair for the people?



Name 2 cons of an Oligarchy

  • The ruling class controls policies and legislation, and ends up with much more wealth than the rest of society.

  • As the ruling class gains more expertise, it tends to exclude outsiders, making it tough for people to break in.

  • Prevents new perspectives and diversity.

  • Can limit available supplies to certain classes, fix prices, provide selective benefits and restrict the economy, hinder basic supply and demand functions.

  • Causes rebellion when people feel they can't join the ruling class, and disruption and war when people no longer follow the rules.


Is Iran currently an Oligarchy?

Yes! The Iran Oligarchy is made up of Islamic clerics, relatives, and business associates.


What is the minimum and maximum amount of members in an Oligarchy?

It can range from three to 100+ people.


True or false, the people with the least amount of money will have more options and relations with the government.

False, the rich have more options and relations with the government, thus giving them more governmental influence.


After what event did the Iran Oligarchy form?

They took power after the demise of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.


True or false Russia identifies themselves as an Oligarchy?

False! Russia does not identify as an oligarchy but it can be argued as one because of the fact that generally, the more money you have, the more ties with the government/power you will have.
