This coin is worth 1 cent?
What is a Penny?
What month are we in? What month is next?
June, July
What are the four seasons?
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Which of the following is NOT a season of the year?
A. Autumn
B. Winter
C. Summer
D. Snow
D. Snow
How many legs does an octopus have?
What coin is worth 5 cents?
What is a nickle?
How many colors are in the rainbow?
There are 7 colors, in order from the top, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
How many days are in 1 week?
Which is NOT a planet?
A. Venus
B. Asteroid
C. Jupiter
D. Mars
B. Asteroid
What is a baby sheep called?
A lamb
What coin is worth 10 cents?
What is a dime?
What do plants need to live? Hint: Three things
Water, Soil, and Sun
What are the colors in the flag of the United States?
Red, White, and Blue
The very biggest dinosaurs ate only ?
A. Meat
B. Fruit
C. Plants
D. Candy
C. Plants
How many wings does a bee have?
4 wings total, two sets!
How many pennies are in a dollar?
What are 100 pennies?
Is a tree living or non-living?
What shape has 3 sides?
These astro objects are held up by its own gravity. When it is dark they light up the sky giving people light?
What is a star?
This animal possess powerful hind legs, a long, strong tail, and small front legs. hanks to their large feet, kangaroos can leap some 30 feet in a single bound, and travel more than 30 miles per hour. They carry their babies in a their pouch.
What is a Kangaroo?
What two coins equals 10 cents?
What are two nickels?
Who is Big Bird's best friend?
Dogs are cousins of this wild animals?
What is wolves
This is a mountainous looking object here on Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the earth's surface.
What is a volcano?
Which bird lays the largest eggs?