Language Arts
General Trivia
Elementary Fun

How many mice are shown in this picture?

What is 19?


What is the main problem in the story? 

A. The dog saw his shadow. 

B. The dog lost his bone. 

C. The dog is kind. 

D. The dog has to walk home.

What is Option A (The dog saw his shadow)?


What two words make up the contraction, DON'T?

What is Do Not?


How many legs does a spider have?

What is 8?


Which grade Level do you think this math problem is for? 

What is the value of the digit in 

the TENS place in 24?

What is 1st Grade?


Which equation is correct?

  1. 20 - 9 = 10

  2. 7 + 7 = 10 + 4

  3. 7 - 6 = 13

  4. 7 + 5 = 10 + 3

What is Option 2 ( 7+7=10+4)?


How does the dog feel when he looks into the water? 

A. He is afraid. 

B. He wants what he sees. 

C. He wants to go swimming. 

D. He gets sleepy

What is Option B (He wants what he sees.)


Which of these is a Proper Noun and should be capitalized?

A) burger king

B) restaurant

C) hamburger

What is option A (Burger King)?


How many states are in the United States?

What is 50?


Which grade level is this Reading question for?

What is the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 of the text? 

A. They compare two different ideas. 

B. They show a cause-and-effect relationship. 

C. They contrast two different ideas. 

D. They show a time-order sequence of events.

What is 3rd Grade?


What is Option B (500 +80+200+30)?


Read the sentences from scene 1 of the play: 

TAYA: We’re kind of nervous, Mr. Evans. ISAIAH: For sure. It feels like I have butterflies in my stomach. 

What are the TWO BEST meanings of the expression butterflies in my stomach as used in this line?

A. confused 

B. anxious 

C. distracted 

D. sick 

E. nervous 

What are options B and E?


Fill in the blank: 

She will _____ a letter to her grandma.

A) write 

B) right

What is option A (write)?


What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

What is Venus?


Which grade do you think this Problem is  for?

Henry ate 5/6 of his sandwich. Which number line shows a point at 5/6?

What is 3rd Grade?


Ms. Stevens writes for a magazine. The number of magazines sold last month was 714,819. What is the number of magazines sold rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

What is 710,000?


What step should tug–of–war players complete immediately after they have painted two lines, about twenty feet apart? 

A. They should find a level grassy field. 

B. They should lay the rope perpendicular. 

C. They should find a referee to hold the middle of the rope. 

D. They should organize their teams.

What is Option B (They should lay the rope perpendicular.)?


How many syllables are in the word HIPPOPOTAMUS?

What is 5?


Which months of the Georgian calendar have 30 days?

What is April, June, September, & November?


Which grade level is this problem for?

Which explanation BEST describes the meaning of the phrase drifted away from it as it is used in these sentences from the story?

 “I didn’t really stop. I guess I kind of drifted away from it. When I moved out of my parents’ house, I left the piano behind, and I never got another one.”

 A. Greta’s mother stopped enjoying music. 

B. Greta’s mother felt sad about playing music. 

C. Greta’s mother stopped playing the piano bit by bit.

 D. Greta’s mother suddenly finished listening to a song.

What is 4th grade?


Mrs. Lewis bought 22 balloons and 4 times as many flowers. The balloons cost $5 each, and the flowers cost $3 each. How much money did Mrs. Lewis spend on balloons and flowers?

What is $374?


Read this conclusion. Tug–of–war is a competitive activity. Which detail from the passage best supports this conclusion? 

A. Paint out two lines about twenty feet apart. 

B. Lay the rope perpendicular, or in the middle of the lines, to make an "I" shape. 

C. No one should be in the center area between the lines. 

D. The first team that gets the flag across their line wins the game.

What is Option D? (The first team that gets the flag across their line wins the game)?

What is a synonym for the word GENEROUS?

A) pretty

B) giving 

C) mean

What is GIVING?


What is the name of the metal that is liquid at room temperature?

What is Mercury?


Which grade level is this problem for?

What is the name of this shape?

What is Kindergarten?
