Stuttering Facts
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Stuttering is contagious. True or False?
False. You cannot catch stuttering from a stutterer.
4 year olds can stutter. True or false?
True. Most people start stuttering between 2-4 years of age.

Stuttering is something that can be fixed. True or False.

False. In some cases, very young children outgrow their stuttering, but there is no medicine to make it stop.


People who stutter are usually shy, nervous, or anxious. True or False. 

False. Stuttering is not because someone is shy, nervous, or anxious. It's just the way they talk, no matter how they feel. 


When an adult stutters, can they stutter for 2 weeks then suddenly stop and never stutter again? Yes or No?

No. If stuttering doesn't go away by 7 or 8 years of age, a person will most likely do it throughout adulthood.


Stuttering is a difference you are born with. True or False?

True. Stuttering is a neurophysiological difference. Neurophysiological means brain and body; a difference in your nervous system


Stuttering is the stutter's fault. True or False?

False. It's nobody's fault. The stutterer doesn't choose to stutter, they are born with it. 


When a person who stutters is stuck on a word he/she should skip the word. True or False?

False. People who stutter should say exactly what they want to say, no matter how long it takes, because their voice is important. Your job is to be an excellent listener, giving them good eye contact. 


People who stutter may stutter less when they sing, or read with someone else. TRUE OR FALSE

True. Studies show that when a person who stutters sings or reads with someone else they may stutter less. The brain is amazing!

Children can stutter when they are young as 1 to 2 years old. True or False?
True. Most people who stutter start stuttering at early age.
Stuttering runs in families. True or False?
True. Studies of twins show that if one twin stutters, the other twin is more likely to stutter. Stutterers often have children who stuttter.

If you are 15 years old and have never stuttered before, you are still very likely to start stuttering. True or false?

False. Most children start stuttering between the ages 2 and 4.


When talking with someone who stutters, you should fill in words for them when they are stuck. True or False. 

False. Let the person who is talking finish their sentences. Give them good eye contact to know you're listening. 


Stuttering is a variable difference. (Variable means it can change) True or false?

True. The way someone stutters can change from day to day, from moment to moment and from person to person.


Stuttering is the natural way for talking for people who stutter. 



Do stutterers always stutter the same way? Yes or No?

No. Stutterers are unique and have different ways of stuttering.

More adults stutter than children. True or False?
False. 1% of adults stutter while 3% of children stutter.

If you speak another language, will you stutter in both languages? Yes or No.

Yes. People can stutter in any language. 


People who stutter are less intelligent than someone who does not stutter. True or False?

False. People who stutter are just as or more intelligent than those who do not stutter. 


Does stuttering affect more females or males?

Males. Stuttering affects 4 times as many males than females.


How many people in the world stutter? 80 million, 3 million, 10 thousand.

c) Over 80 million


Is the brain of a person who stutters the same as the brain of a person who does not stutter? 

Different. The brain of a person who stutters is wired very differently from a brain of a person who does not stutter. One of the reasons why people stutter, is that it is just how their brain is made.


When talking to someone who stutters, you should ask them to repeat if you do not understand. True or False?

True. Just like if you did not hear or understand someone who does not stutter, you should ask them to repeat. That shows you are a good listener. 


If you are a stutterer it will always be a part of your life. True or false?

True. If you stutter past the age of 7-8, it is likely that it will be with you your whole life. 


If you stutter you can not have a job that requires a lot of talking - like an actor or politician. True or False?

False. There are many famous actors, actresses and politicians who stutter. Bonus 1000: Name 3 famous people who stutter.
