When was Blues originated in and Century?
Southern United States 20th Century.
What is another name for East coast Blues?
Piedmont Blues
How does Texas Blues developed as?
Rural workers.
where were delta blues developed at?
Primarily at Dockery Farms
How many African and Americans left the south?
Over 6 Million
How was the lyrics often?
Sorrowful,Melancholy, Centered on Heartbreak or Hard times.
What is East coast Blues influenced by?
Ragtime, so the guitar.
what did Texas blues singers used?
High pitched, and clear vocal lines.
How many acres was the field?
25,000 acres of plantation
Did Blues musicians from the south bring their music to the north?
True or False
where did the name "Blues" comes from?
The use of "Blue Notes".
what does East coast Blues mostly have in their songs.
heavy use of Harmonica.
What pattern did they use?
Strum Patterns
Who considered the father of delta Blues?
Charlie Patton
In Chicago what instruments did they use?
Electrical Gutair
What were the three distinct areas Of the United States?
East Coast, Delta, and Texas.
What are some characteristics of East coast Blues?
Melodic vocal lines.
How was the rhythm?
Relaxed and swinging feel
What instruments did they use?
Rhythmic guitar
What also did they musicians used?
Piano and drums
How were Blues Born?
Through work songs.
what is one of the East coast Blues singers?
Willie Walker.
Where did rural workers began moving?
Urban areas like Texas, Dallas,Galveston,San Antonio,and Houston.
What is one of the songs of delta blues?
"Spoonful spoons" by Charlie Patton
What the name of one singer?
Sonny Boy willson