Unscramble: macp sesh rkarme
(meeting place)
What is: Camp Hess Kramer?
Month, Year of Nova's adoption
When is October 2022?
Olivia's degree
What is a B.A. in Fine and Studio Arts?
Unscramble: decmcand lp
What is: McCadden Pl.
Olivia's middle name
What is Madeleine?
Age when O+A first smooched
What is 14?
Bella's animal look-alike (that's not a dog)
What is a dolphin?
Name of the establishment where Olivia worked during college
What is the Grove House?
Olivia and Jules age difference
What is nine years?
Number of times Olivia has had her nose pierced
What is 2x?
Destination and reason for O+A's 2017 road trip (before they were dating)
What is San Francisco, because Ari was playing a show?
Olivia's childhood kitties (3)
Who are Grrrr and Mew Mew and Spicy?
Location and description of Olivia's singular tattoo she got @ Pitzer
What is sun over mountains, on her right hip?
Michael's nickname for Olivia
What is Ovia?
Age Olivia became a Bat Mitzvah
What is 17?
Color of Olivia's nails when Ari proposed
What is they weren't painted? ;-)
Current location of Kohn family 7 tortoises
Where is a tortoise sanctuary in Santa Barbara?
The reason Olivia moved out of her homestay in Rabat during study abroad
What is cockroaches!
Caroline and Michael's alma mater
What is UCSB?
Olivia's martini order - Cheers!
What is a dirty grey goose vodka martini with olives?
Ari's pick up line at camp in summer 2017
What is "Shall we?"
Name of the tortoise Caroline (accidentally!!!!) ran over with her car
Relative whose home was the subject of Olivia's college thesis
Who is her paternal grandfather?
Reason Olivia's family celebrates Christmas (though both of her parents are Jewish)
What is because Caroline's grandfather composed Christmas music?
The state Olivia is from, according to her high school fake ID
Where is Maryland?