Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

The required method to inform Julia if you're running late or have to miss time unexpectedly

Pick up the phone and call her directly


What is a keyword used to describe how we need to make the DM feel during the Cold Call?



Finish the sentence: "Whatever excuse they give you for why they can't talk in the first 30 seconds is..."

"... a lie"


Where can I find the processes for handling scenarios like if a demo has to be set out farther than tomorrow, I don't get all the set questions, or if there are multiple DMs and they're not sure of their schedules?

The "What to do if..." Callbacks vs Sets page with the 5 main DM scenarios laid out.

Scenario: Bob, the owner, says he can't see the demo until 3 days from now. I pushed for the OTF, used both DSO rebuttals, and circled back after the pain points on page 2 but he still can't see it any sooner. What do I do?

Use Scenario #3 on the "What to do if..." Callbacks vs Sets page with the 5 common DM Scenarios


The person to contact if you have payroll questions

Ivan Pena


Finish the sentence: "If you feel you're speaking slowly enough..."

"... Slow down some more"


What should be the highest priority goal when making Set notes?

For no one to have to ask you for clarification on anything


True or False: If a DM sounds like they're busy or they're driving, I should not shoot for the OTF.

FALSE! Always always always shoot for the OTF no matter what, if you want to make money and be successful.


Scenario: I scheduled a demo with Bob, the owner, for later today but I didn't get all of the set questions. What do I do?

Use Scenario #2 on the "What to do if..." Callbacks vs Sets page with the 5 common DM Scenarios


Who to contact for general application/IT support or slack Azul, Sabine, or Jorge


What book could be described as our Cold Call Bible/Holy Book?

The Challenger Sale


What is the disposition to select if a "Set Call" is missing any of the 4 Elements that make up a Scheduled Demo

(All DMs Present, scheduled for Today or Tomorrow, all Set Questions completed, on a device on which the DM can see the presentation)

Schedule Callback


When logging a Scheduled Demo, what should always be done before sending the Calendar Events

Save notes and dispo the call


Scenario: It's 8 o'clock in the morning and I scheduled a demo with Bob, the owner, but he can't see it until after 5pm. What do I do?

Treat it like a DSO set: Use Scenario #3 on the "What to do if..." Callbacks vs Sets page with the 5 common DM Scenarios


How many times can I be tardy/absent before being placed on an Attendance Warning?



When a call ends, what do you need to do before everything else. Before taking a break, doing other tasks, or sending calendar events.

Finalize notes, save them, and disposition the call


Scenario: John is the operations manager for Bob's Roofing Company. John always sees the sales presentations and then lets Bob know what he thinks, Bob doesn't attend demos himself. That's how they eventually signed up with Home Advisor. Can we set this as a Demo?

No! John is not the DM because he can't actually make the decision on his own, he always talks to Bob - the Owner - first. Setting this demo would definitely not be a good look.


Which of the following dispositions should always be selected when Transferring an OTF

- Transferred OTF

- Transferred my own Set

- Transferred another SDR's Set

Transferred OTF


What are the "Power" words that you should always use when speaking with a Gatekeeper?

Just and Thank You


The number of Sets that must Hold for you in order to continue into next month



What are the 4 Elements required in order to log a call as a "Scheduled Demo" or "Set"?

- It must be scheduled for Later Today or Tomorrow

- All DMs must be present

- All Set Questions must be completed

- In front of a computer or mobile device


Two things that should never be said during the Cold Call

1. "We do websites/SEO"

2. Price examples


Is this statement true or false: "My personal brand will be positively or negatively impacted by whether or not I do my due diligence to set quality demos and take good notes."

TRUE! It's just human nature. So make sure to always follow Set Guidelines and pay attention to detail with your notes.


What does it mean to Address & Progress?

Never go silent unless you are ready for the DM to speak. Pro Tip: Always end on a Question or a Command. ("Pull up a web browser, I'll show you real quick" or "What time can you be in front of a computer either later today or tomorrow?")


What's Julia's number?

512-803-4849. It's on the front of your binders and in your Welcome Emails. Please save it in your phone.


What's the primary rebuttal to use if the DM says they can't talk after we ask "Is that fair?"

Not Interested/Booked Up right underneath "Is that fair?"


How do I get the DM to schedule a time with me for either today or tomorrow if they're trying to schedule a time farther out in the future?

DSO Rebuttals


I've gone through the first page of the script but the DM is still asking what we do. How do I respond?

The "What do you do/how do you do this" rebuttal


What do I say if the DM tells me they can't take on more work while we're in the middle of the pitch or at the end or it?

The "Booked Up" rebuttal and then return to the pitch where you left off or go to Best Case/Worst Case if you've already finished the first page