This composer wrote his first pieces at the age of three.
Who is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
The highest pitched of the woodwind instruments.
What is the piccolo?
What is conducting?
The violin, guitar, bass, and harp belong to this family.
What is the string family?
Listening Challenge: Identify the form of the following piece.
3rd-5th: What is AABA?
God, We Praise You
6th-7th: What is AABC?
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Wrote the Ode to Joy.
Who is Ludwig van Beethoven?
This instrument is sometimes considered a brass instrument and sometimes a woodwind, since it sounds so similar to both.
What is the French Horn?
The dates of Beethoven's life.
a) 1670-1727
b) 1685-1750
c) 1756-1791
e) 1770-1827
What is 1770-1827?
The family with the most instruments.
What is the percussion family?
A harmonic phenomenon wherein a passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness.
What is sympathetic vibration?
Wrote the Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra.
a) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
b) Benjamin Britten
c) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
d) Henry Purcell
Who is Benjamin Britten?
Larger than a violin, smaller than a cello.
What is the viola?
Strikingly different things in juxtaposition.
What is contrast?
Mr. O'Byrne's instrument.
What is the String Bass?
A part of a piece of music in which themes from the exposition are restated.
What is the recapitulation?
Conducted the Pines of Rome with the New York Philharmonic in the concert we watched in class.
a) Leonard Bernstein
b) John Williams
c) Mr. O'Byrne
e) Gustav Mahler
Who is Leonard Bernstein?
This is a group of pitched drums, often considered the leader of the percussion family.
What are the timpani/kettle drums?
The place and time in Pines when we heard a phonograph bird sing.
What is the The Pines of the Janiculum (movement 3) at midnight?
The English Horn belongs to this family.
What is the woodwind family?
Theme and Variations best describes this.
a) A B A
b) A A1 A2 A3 A4
c) Development
d) A B A1 A2 C B1 D A1 B A
What is b) A A1 A2 A3 A4?
This composer wrote the Pines of Rome.
a) Giacomo Puccini
b) Gioachino Rossini
c) Ottorino Respighi
d) Giuseppe Verdi
Who is Ottorino Respighi?
This instrument's name means "quiet" since its ancestors could only play loudly.
What is the piano?
The four sections (events occurring) of the Pines of Rome and their times of day.
What are?
1. The Pines of the Villa Borghese (afternoon)
2. Pines Near a Catacomb (twilight, evening, vespers)
3. The Pines of the Ianiculum (midnight)
4. The Pines of the Appian Way (dawn)
This family utilizes slides, mutes, rotary valves, and piston valves to make sound.
What is the brass family?
Listening Challenge: Identify the form of the following piece.
What is ABCB?
How Deep the Father's Love