
What is the Olympic Tripartite? (Hint 3 groups form this)

1) IOC

2) NOCs (ANOC = Association of National Olympic Committees); and

3) ISFs (Sport Accord, Association of Summer Olympic International Federations, Association of Winter Olympic International Federation 

AWOIF= Association of Summer Olympic International Federations

ASOIF= Association of Winter Olympic International Federation 


What is the goal of Olympism?

Is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity    


What organization runs individuals sports at the National level (e.g fifa runs soccer, and Fiva runs volleball)

International Sporting Federation


Wenn said this was important, do you know what it is.... hint its about Olympism 

Idea of social responsibility and the respect for international human rights*


When/Where was the International Olympic Committee established (IOC)? 

1894, Sorbonne, Paris

Sorbonne Conference at Sorbonne University is where IOC was established


True or False does the National Olympic committee represent the Olympic movement in individuals Olympic Nations? 



Why does Canada send more women to Olympics then men? 

This is because women teams are more successful than men which vastly increases the ratio of women to men



What does the OCOG stand for and what are they responsible for?

OCOG= Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games



Other recognized orgs


Where is the IOC currenrly based?

Lausanne, Switzerland 


Who is Thomas Bach?

He is the 9th President of the IOC, he started in 2013 and can only run for 12 years in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Who is Richard Carrion and Ng Ser Miang? 

Richard Carrion - Longtime finance commission chair for the IOC

Ng Ser Miang- Singapore, IOC Member and Executive Board Member 


Where was the first summer olympics staged?

Athens, Greece


Why did Juan Antonio Samaranch push to end Amateurism?

He wanted all the best athletes to compete, like Jordan and Gretzky means more people will watch which increased the funding for the olympics. 

How did Bach try to re engage people around the world to get them interested in hosting the Olympics? 

He reduced the costs of biddings and the cost of hosting


What are the responsibilities of the International Sport Federations 

Establishing and enforce rules governing a particular sport

Ensuring the development of sport throughout the world

**Establishing eligibility criteria for participants**

Managing the technical control and direction of a sport at the Olympics site


What are the IOC's basic responsibilities? List a few 

Fighting against all forms of dissemination in sport

Supporting the promotion of sport ethics and good governance in sport;

Leading the fight against doping;

Encourage the development of sport competition

Supporting the International Olympic Academy and Olympic Education

Academy is situated in Olympia, Greece

Selecting host cities

Ensuring the regular celebration of the Olympic Games 


True or False, was the Olympic Agenda 2o2o the main way to revive the excitements for cities to host Olympics?



Why werent cities bidding on Olympics?

The prices to host the games and the IOC had to try and persuade cities to host the Olympics again and said that “China and Russia did not need to spend 43 Billion and 51 Billion on the games "


What is the National Olympic Committee responsible for?

Propagating the values of Olympism;

Encouraging the development of the elite and mass sport 

Taking action to prevent violence, discrimination, and drug use in sport

Organizing the selection process for Olympic teams; 

  • Fundraising necessary for the athletes to partake in Olympics representing their country


What is the mission of the Olympic Movement?

Contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play


How did Bach permit innocent Russian athletes to compete while taking action with respect to the violations? 

Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR, 2018) ROC (2020, 2022), Individual Neutral Athletes (2024, in light of Ukraine situation) 

2018 Pyeongchang No russian flags or no russian anthem played and no affiliation with Russia

2020 and 2022: Russian athletes referred to as ROC to try and dissociate them from Russia due to the doping scandals

Russian and Belarusian athletes can compete in Paris in 2024 under this name  (Individual Neutral Athletes (2024, in light of Ukraine situation) 


NOC - they ____ run the individual qualification meets, they ______ just oversee the entirety of the Olympic team selection process

don't and do 


What is The Olympic Partner - TOP?

Global sponsorship programme managed by the IOC. Created in 1985, its aim is to generate diversified revenue to be shared in equal measure between the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) and the Olympic Movement 


Why is Jacques Rogge so important?

He was the first IOC member to serve a 12 year tenure, after the Salt Lake City Bid the IOC changed their policy which resulted in that IOC presidents can only serve 12 years. 8 for sure and 4 more if extension is granted 


What are some key themes/processes generating Olympic Agenda 2020? (Challenge 2 on page 6, note there are 5)

1) Revamping of the host city bid process to reduce cost (bidding and delivery) and allow bid cities to more effectively pursue longer term sproing, economic, social and environmental goals 

2) Good Governance

3) New Promotional avenues highlighted by the Olympic Channel

4) Non-discrimination of sexual orientation embedded in the Olympic Charter

5) ”Clean” athletics rest at the heart of Olympic Philosophy
