Sport Events
Figurative Language

France will be hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics this year. What does it mean to host?

A. France will supply the food for the teams.

B. France will be having the Olympics in their country.

C. France will have the best athletes at the games. 

B. France will be having the Olympics in their country.


The athlete ran very fast.

What is another word for fast?

Quick, speedy, etc.


In this sport, you make baskets, bounce the ball up and down the court and play with five teammates.

What sport is it?



The smallest splash earns more points in this event. Athletes jump from a platform or a board into the water. Sometimes they twist in the air. 

What sport is it?



Give this game your best shot.

What does "your best shot" mean?

try your best


There were 10 competitors in the gymnastics competition. What does competitor mean?

A. The person or team you are playing against.

B. The person or team that wins the event.

C. The person or teams the lose the event

D. None of the above

A. The person or team you are playing against.


The spectators screamed for the athletes.

What is another word for screamed?

Yelled, cheered, etc.


In this sport, you can bump the ball three times and send it over the net to the opposing team.

What sport is it?



In this sport, athletes compete in many events. Some perform on the rings, a balance beam or uneven bars. Others run around on a mat doing jumps and flips. 

What sport is it?



Let's organize a meeting so that nobody drops the ball for this year's annual dance.

What does "drops the ball" mean?

to make a mistake or forget something


The flame was ignited on the torch for the Olympic games. What does ignited mean?

A. The torch was put out by the athlete

B. The torch was lit

C. The athlete ran with the torch

B. The torch was lit


Track and field is a difficult Olympic event.

What is another word for difficult?

Hard, tough, etc.


A girl dragged her towel and tube on the road as she walked home from the swimming pool because she was too tired to carry it. She had swam really hard. The next time she went swimming, she went to get her tube and it was flat. 

Why do you think it was flat?

She ripped it, a hole formed


Athletes in this sport use a bow to shoot an arrow at a target. The closest to the middle of the circle wins. 

What sport is it?



I had to jump through hoops to get tickets to the Olympics.

What does "jump through hoops" mean?

Try very hard, go through great efforts


The spectators cheered and threw flowers at the athletes. What does spectator mean?

A. The trainers for the athletes.

B. The athletes

C. The people watching the athletes.

C. The people watching the athletes.


The gymnast did not get first placed and she sobbed.

What is another word for sobbed?

Cry, weep, bawl


Today is the first day of the Olympics swimming event, Joe's coach asked if he has everything he needs such as his snack, towel, and goggles. Joe replied yes, before adding there is something he forgot, and he won’t be able to go swimming without it!

What did he forget? 

His bathing suit


In this sport, athletes use little paddles to hit a little white ball back and forth. Sometimes it's so fast you can't see the ball. 

What sport is it?

Table tennis/ping pong


The skateboarder fell off his board and then threw in the towel during his event.

What does "threw in the towel" mean?

Give up


The equestrian event requires a saddle to compete. What is the equestrian event?

A. Equal players on each team.

B. A horse riding event.

C. An event in which the best athlete wins.


B. A horse riding event.


All athletes competing in the Olympics are courageous

What is another word for courageous?

brave, fearless, adventurous


Beth is out to eat with her friends, and they all decided to eat outdoors. After a little while, Beth looked down at her soda, and saw something on the edge of her glass! She shooed it away but then asked for a new glass and to move indoors.

What was on her soda?

A fly, bee, any bug.


This sport is newer to the Olympics. Athletes ride a board with wheels and perform tricks and stunts. 

What sport is it?



The announcer at the Olympics said "let's get the ball rolling" after the opening ceremony.

What does "let's get the ball rolling" mean?

Let's start!
