Black Athletes Making History
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This athlete became the first black Olympian to win a gold medal in bobsledding.

Who is Vonetta Flowers?


In this sport two opposing teams use sticks to control, advance, and shoot a "puck" into the other team's goal.

What is Ice Hockey?


The Olympic rings represent these 5 world continents. 

What is Africa, Asia, America, Europe and Oceania/Australia?


This is the country that the last Winter Olympics were held in.

What is South Korea?


This color is not one of the rings on the Olympic flag.

A .Black

B. Purple

C. Green

What is Purple? 


He became the first black male to win a gold medal during the Winter Olympics, where he played hockey for Canada.

Who is Jarome Iginla?


This sport combines speed and tricks while an individual has a board attached to their feet.

What is snowboarding?


In the first winter Olympics women were ONLY able to compete in this sport.

What is Figure Skating?


This is the date that the 2022 Olympics began.

What is February 4th 2022?


Approximately this many countries compete in the Olympics.

A. 200

B. 65

C. 475

What is 200? 


This athlete became the first Black American to earn a medal during the Winter Olympics all while being a student at Stanford University.

Who is Debi Thomas?


In this sport individuals or teams of two or four pile into a sled and maneuver down an icy track at speeds of 80+ mph.

What is bobsledding? 


This is the only country that has won a gold medal every winter Olympics.

What is the U.S?


The number of new events being contested at the 2022 Winter Olympics.

What is seven?


The country that the first Winter Olympics were held. 

A. Switzerland

B. U.S

C. France

What is France?


This speedskater became the first black athlete to win a gold medal in an individual competition.

Who is Shani Davis?


This is a winter sliding sport in which a person rides a small sled, known as a skeleton bobsled, down a frozen track while lying face down and head-first.

What is Skeleton? 


This type of animal is one out of the two that have played a role in an Olympic sport.

What is a dog?


In the last Winter Olympics Jocelyne Lamoureux scored this many goals 6 seconds apart, setting a record for the shortest time between goals by any player.

What is two? 


This is who organized the opening ceremonies for the 1960 Winter Olympics.

A. Richard Nixon

B. Muhammad Ali

C. Walt Disney

Who is Walt Disney?


She qualified for the Olympics after only learning to speed skate 4 months prior, also becoming the first black woman on the U.S long-track team.

Who is Erin Jackson?


This sport was first contested in the Olympic Games at the 1908 Summer Olympics. Since 1924, the sport has been a part of the Winter Olympic Games.

What is Figure Skating?


No country in this hemisphere has held a Winter Olympics.

What is the Southern Hemisphere?


15-year-old Russian figure skater, Kamila Valieva became the first woman to land this type of jump at the Olympics this year.

What is a quad jump?


This group of athletes enter first in the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony.

A. Greece

B. Host Nation 

C. Past Winners

What is Greece?
