In which country did the Olympics originate?
Where is Greece?
What city did the first Olympics happen in?
What is Athens?
What continent does the black circle represent?
What is Africa?
What is Ainsley's favorite winter Olympic sport?
What is figure skating?
What is Deklan's favorite winter Olympic sport?
What is ski jumping?
When were the first known Olympic games held? Within 100 years
When is 776 BC?
When were women first permitted to compete in the Olympics? Within 15
What is 1900?
What continent does the yellow circle represent?
What is Asia?
What is Ainsley's favorite sports movie?
What is Home Team?
What is Deklan's favorite sports movie?
What is American Underdog?
The first modern Olympics were held in what year? Within 50 years?
When is 1896?
How long a distance was the first Olympic marathon? Within 5
What is 25?
What continent(s)does the red circle represent?
What are the Americas?
Who is Ainsley's favorite parent?
Who is both?
Who is Deklan's favorite parent?
Who is Dad?
The first Olympic games in Greece were held how often? Within 1
What is 4 years?
What is the United States?
What continent does the green circle represent?
What is Oceania?
What is Ainsley's favorite super bowl food?
What is chicken wings?
What is Deklan's favorite super bowl food?
What is pizza bagel bites?
What is Faster, Higher, Stronger?
In what year did the Olympic flag debut? Within 15 years
What is 1920?
What continent does the blue circle represent?
What is Europe?
What is Ainsley's favorite sport?
What is ice skating?
What is Deklan's favorite sport?
What is football?