What effects do stimulants have on your health?
Examples can include high blood pressure, jitteriness, mood changes, sleep disturbances, chest pain, headaches, stroke, and/or a heart attack.
How long does it take for nicotine to be detoxed from the brain?
It can take up to 3 months for nicotine to be fully detoxed from the brain.
What responsibilities do pharmacists have in a community pharmacy (i.e., Walgreens, CVS)?
Intake prescriptions, check prescriptions, dispense prescriptions, talk to providers and insurances, counsel and help patients, give vaccines.
When might depressants be prescribed?
To help with pain; as a sedative for sleep, anxiety, or surgery.
What portion of the brain does marijuana affect?
The prefrontal cortex is affected the most, which is the center of decision making.
Other than working in a community pharmacy, where else can pharmacists work?
Hospital, clinics, mail service pharmacies, research facilities, nursing homes, colleges, etc.
Can you combine uppers and downers? Why?
What effects does vaping have on your body?
Vapes cause high blood pressure, decreased appetite, and even nausea vomiting.
What are the requirements to become a licensed pharmacist (i.e., schooling, board exams, etc.)?
Schooling: possibly a bachelor's degree, a PharmD after 4 years at a pharmacy school
Testing: NAPLEX (licensing), MPJE (law exam)