What is a "Crazy Bone" or Funny Bone"?
A spot on your elbow with a tingling sensation
The #1 Wood Driver or #7 Iron belong to what sport?
Where is the Golden Gate Bridge?
San Francisco, California
What color ribbon do you get for winning at the Fair?
Blue Ribbon
What does "Hunky-Dory" mean?
It's all safe and secure
Walt Disney made a cartoon of 101 dogs, what breed were the dogs?
What kind of bridge do you PAY to cross?
Toll Bridge
A famous song about a fair is "Meet me in...
St. Louis, Louis"
Who invented the first Telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What does "Stiff-necked" mean?
Stubborn or sore neck
Who were the 4 brothers who starred in Comedy movies in the 1930's?
The Marx Brothers
Name the children's game that talks about a bridge.
London Bridge is falling down
Another name for a carousel is what?
Merry- Go- Round
What do they call the Ranking below the Captain of a Ship?
First Mate
What is a "Doozy"?
Something impressive
A shave and a haircut are two bits, how much is two bits?
.25 cents
What natural disaster caused damage to the Oakland Bay Bridge in 1989?
What fluffy treat in made of spun sugar?
Cotton Candy
What is the first book of the Bible?
What is a "Pipe dream"?
A dream full of illusions or hope.
What is the 50th wedding anniversary called? Also, what is the 75th wedding anniversary called?
Who lived under the bridge in the children's story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff?
A troll
What do you call the traveling amusement show having side shows, rides, games or shooting galleries called?
Who was the first U.S. President?
George Washington