I have a head and tail, but no body, what am i?
A coin
What is a baby cat called?
a kitten
What does it mean to " Spill the Tea?"
Share gossip
What is the Capital of France?
What is the common name for dried plums?
I have a neck, but no head, what am i?
A bottle
In the movie Grease, John Travolta stared next to what leading Woman?
Olivia Newton John
San Francisco
What is the main ingredient in Guacamole?
What name does Deer Meat go by?
You can catch me, but you cannot throw me, what am I?
A Cold
How many legs does an Octopus have?
Which animal is notorious for constantly trying to sneak a "nibble" on food even with full cheeks?
a) Squirrel
b) Chipmunk
c) Rabbit
Vincent Van Gogh
What country invented Tea?
What goes up, but never comes down?
Your Age
What is the National Bird of the United States?
The Bald Eagle
Why do flamingos stand on one leg?
a) To nap
b) To stay cool
c) To balance food
To Stay Cool
Aretha Franklin
What kind of alcohol is Russia notoriously known for?
What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do?
Your Name
What year did Elvis Presley pass away?
A. 1970
B. 1977
C. 1975
What do cows drink?
a) Milk
b) Water
c) Juice
What is the largest river in the world?
The Amazon River
What country (not the USA) is famous for chocolate and is home to Lindt chocolate and Toblerone?