Where are you lining up before entering classroom? Are you lining up in 1 or 2 lines?
Outside Hallway
In 1 line
What is the expectation when someone is talking and listening?
One mic
What are we touching in classroom?
Only bin materials
it is okay if we get curious and touch something as long as it does not happen continuously and is put back
Name staff in OMEGA group
Name all specialist and there name.
Food Justice- Kathy
Are you sitting anywhere or in seats?
In seats
When you need something what do you do?and where?Standing? sitting?
Raising hand at seat
What voices are we using both classroom and outside hallways? low medium or high?
low to medium voices
In your group, tell me how all members feel and why? In order to respect each other feelings what are we doing?
Being kind
what is the largest cat in the world?
A tiger
Waiting for GLS/AGLS directions
What is call and response used for?
Get group attention
Who are we lining up with?and where? State who are your buddies within group.
buddies in line spots
check buddies.
If someone or something is bothering you? who do you let know? and how are you telling them? going up?raise hand?
you let a staff member know either Lulu or Jessica or Angela and tell them what is going on so we can help you.
The key is to be honest.
How do you say how are you in your group language?
language confirm
Within your group describe what are we doing when coming up from snack to classroom.
Lining up with buddies
Forming 1 line outside classroom
waiting for directions in seats
During specialist what are we doing? Explain 3 expectations. if you are not participating who are you letting know?
Paying attention
trying to participate
Letting staff and specialist know
Name 3 expectations for classroom
Name all students in your group. Name all the expectations for the group. 5 for half point and 10 for full point.
solve me this riddle:
I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. what number am I?
which is heavier? A pound of candy corn or a pound of pumpkins?
They're the same. A pound is a pound.