Sunset Park
Small and Big
Kim Trivia
The Internet

It can be white, but usually starts off brown, this staple food is eaten by people across the globe./Puede ser blanco, pero generalmente comienza con un color cafecito, este alimento básico es consumido por personas de todo el mundo.

What is rice?/¿Qué es el arroz?


This tall, green lady can be seen from Sunset Park./Esta dama alta y verde se puede ver desde Sunset Park.

What is the Statue of Liberty?//¿Que es la estatua de la Libertad?


The first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.//El primer año de la pandemia de Covid-19.

What is 2020?//¿Qué es 2020?


Lutheran Hospital. 

Where was Kim born?/Donde nacio Kim?


The decade that the internet became used by the public. / La decada cuando el internet empiezo ser usado publicamente. 

What is the/Que es los  1990s?


The hot surface used to heat up tortillas./La superficie caliente utilizada para calentar tortillas.

What is a coral?/¿Qué es una comal?


These two neighborhoods border Sunset Park./Estos dos vecindarios limitan con Sunset Park.

What is/Que es Park Slope and Bay Ridge?


This was highly controversial when it was first presented, but we all better for knowing the ___ does not revolve around us./Esto fue muy controvertido cuando se presentó por primera vez, pero todos mejoramos por saber que el ___ no gira en torno a nosotros.

What is the sun?/Que es el sol?


English, Spanish, and a little bit of French./Ingles, Espanol, y un poco de Francais. OoOwwww!!

What languages does Kim speak?/Que lenguages HABLA KIM?


Wireless Fidelity sounds like a bad independent movie, but we use it every day.//Wireless Fidelity suena como una mala película independiente, pero la usamos todos los días.

What is WiFi?/Que es WiFi?


The United States Department of Agriculture recommends eating 2 servings of this type of food twice a week./El Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos recomienda comer 2 raciones de este tipo de alimentos dos veces por semana.

What is seafood?/¿Qué es el marisco?


daily double!!!!These 3 major neighborhoods are connected by private and public bus lines, and you don't have to speak any English to get to them./Estos 3 barrios principales están conectados por líneas de autobuses públicos y privados, y no tienes que hablar nada de inglés para llegar a ellos. daily double!!!!

What is/Que es Sunset Park, Flushing and Manhattan Chinatown?


This can live for up to a week without its head./Esto puede vivir hasta una semana sin su cabeza.

What is a cockroach?/¿Qué es una cucaracha?


Her father was a famous lawyer and her ex-husband is a famous rapper. Her stepmother was an athlete, her sister is a model, and her other sister is a self-made billionaire. // Su padre era un famoso abogado y su exmarido es un famoso rapero. Su madrastra era atleta, su hermana es modelo y su otra hermana es una multimillonaria hecha a sí misma.

Who is Kim Kardashian?// ¿Quién es Kim Kardashian?


Before people slid into DMs, this was how you hit up your friends./Lo que se usaba antes de mensages directos. 

What is/Que es AOL Instant Messenger or AIM?


This food is considered the national dish of the United States./Este alimento es considerado el plato nacional de los Estados Unidos.

What is hamburger?/¿Qué es la hamburguesa?


Before the establishment of Prospect Park, this large green space was considered "Brooklyn's first public park by default".

What is Greenwood Cemetery?/¿Qué es el cementerio de Greenwood?


The smallest unit of life./La más pequeña de la vida.

What is a cell?/ Que es un célula?


The Supreme Leader of North Korea./La líder suprema de Corea del Norte.

Who is/Quien es Kim Jong-un?


This type of technology made you go around in circles just to make a call./ Este tipo de tecnología te hacía dar vueltas solo para hacer una llamada.

What is a rotary phone?/¿Qué es un teléfono rotatorio?


The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that children ages 2 to 18 should limit consumption of this to less than six teaspoons per day.

What is sugar?/¿Qué es el azúcar?


The full name of CFL.//El nombre completo de CFL.

What is Center for Family Life in Sunset Park?//¿Qué es el Centro para la Vida Familiar en Sunset Park?


The first Black woman from the United States to go into space./La primera mujer negra de los Estados Unidos en ir al espacio.

Who is/Quien es Mae Jemison?


Not medium or big, this rapper is from Brooklyn. 

Who is Lil' Kim?


Before TikTok, even before Musically, this app captured people's attention if only for 6 seconds. 

What is/Que es Vine?
