This state agency oversees OhioMeansJobs.
In this year, WIOA was put into law.
TANF stands for this.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
This national historical landmark, located in Adams County, is known for being an ancient Native American earthwork and is a site of archaeological significance.
Serpent Mound
This famous American author from Brown County wrote the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
Before rebranding as OhioMeansJobs, workforce centers in Ohio were commonly known as.
One-Stop Career Centers
One of the WIOA requirements for youth programs is that participants must be between these ages.
14-24 years old
The goal of TANF is to help families achieve self-sufficiency by promoting this, which is a key aspect of the program.
work or employment
This Native American tribe is known to have inhabited the region that is now Adams County long before European settlers arrived.
This landmark in Georgetown, Brown County, was originally constructed in 1809 and remains one of the oldest buildings in the area.
Old Brown County Jail
This law was replaced by WIOA.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
This agency is responsible for overseeing TANF at the federal level.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
This historic town in Adams County was the site of a major 19th-century canal system that connected the Ohio River to other parts of the state.
This historic village in Brown County was a major stop along the Underground Railroad, where escaped slaves were helped to freedom.
In this year, all Ohio county workforce centers rebrand under the OhioMeansJobs name.
This federal department oversees WIOA's implementation, ensuring the act's programs are delivered efficiently.
U.S. Department of Labor
This is the maximum number of consecutive months a family can receive TANF assistance, unless there are special exceptions.
60 months (or 5 years)
This well-known historical figure, a major general during the Civil War and later the 18th President of the United States, was born in Point Pleasant, Adams County.
Ulysses S. Grant
This historic mill located in Brown County was once a major water-powered facility for grinding grain and serves as a popular local attraction today.
Goshen Mill
This governor played a key role in expanding the OhioMeansJobs system statewide.
Governor John Kasich
WIOA created this type of account, which provides participants with control over how training funds are used for education and career development.
"Individual Training Account" (ITA)
TANF replaced this older program, which was also designed to assist low-income families but without the same emphasis on work requirements.
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
The Cedar Mills area in Adams County is known for this type of historic industry, which played a major role in local economy during the 1800s.
grist milling
In 1818, this village in Brown County was named after a prominent local landowner and was originally established as a trading post.