What are the two tabs in the employee center called?
Time and assignments
What are chart of accounts?
Chart of accounts are the high-level Ledger accounts that your company uses. These are fairly standard no matter what industry you work in, and we ship with defaults to make set up easy.
What is a charge code?
Rules that hold time & expense. They can be unique per job.
What is the timekeeping center?
This is where an internal timekeeper goes to review and finalize time and expense for your organization. Take actions such as rejecting or submitting on behalf of an employee who missed their deadline.
What is the difference between a billable and a payable item?
Billable Item- An item that you bill the customer during Invoicing
Payable Item- An item that is paid to an employee in Payroll
When can you write off an item?
Only after an invoice has been sent. Why? You can’t write something off that hasn’t been marked yet as an unpaid item
Where would you set a default charge code?
Settings > Jobs & Opps
Can the timekeeping start date be edited once it's been set?
Once the timekeeping start date is set, it cannot be changed.
What is a worksite?
A worksite is a physical location attached to a company where work happens. These are commonly used for placements, so the recruiters know where the job is at, and employees know where they are working.
Can I add a billable item after I’ve sent the invoice?
No. Typically, we would recommend sending an additional invoice OR void the current invoice & then send a new one.
What is an internal charge code?
A charge code that is payable but not billable
After time has been submitted, can a user go back to change it?
No. We do NOT want this happening, this could mess with your invoicing and payroll export
What is a lump sum?
1 check for multiple payments
Meaning I have 3 invoices paid off by one payment
What happens if an invoice is voided?
Items are returned to unclaimed as billable. Void applies to an invoice as a whole.
Where would I add a charge code?
Opportunity > deliver tab
What is the difference between straight time vs punch in/out?
PIPO time accounts for breaks, where straight time is 1-hour value per day.
What is the longest amount of time you can run a reconciliation report?
2 years. Why? It’s a lot of data to query that quickly, it’s there to prevent performance issues.
Why bother to recognize payments in Crelate at all?
If using Crelate for invoicing – you already have data recorded in a ledger. Payments are the last piece of that pie.
If I have an assigned Charge Code template to a job and I then change that template, will that automatically update those changes to my job?
No. Any updates to the template will not automatically update. You will need to manually update that charge code on the job.
Time Cards can have assigned due on dates. If you make a change to this date, when does that effect take place?
At least 1 week in advance – IE. Into the next pay period