Getting Started
Omnipod Features
Bolus Calculator
Skin And Adhesion
Good to Know

How much does the Omnipod PDM cost for all/any patient looking to start pump therapy, or switching from another tubed pump?

What is FREE!


What feature specific to Omnipod is great for people who live with needle-phobia?

Automatic cannula insertion


In what circumstance would you turn off the bolus calculator on the Omnipod?

Not carb counting

Set bolus dose for meals 


How should a patient prep a site for a pod placement?

- alcohol swab

- skin prep

- skin tac

- clean, dry, hairless


If a patient needs to change their pod more frequently than every 72 hours, what do they need?

A general prescription faxed to DIABETES EXPRESS indicating the patient needs to "change pod q 24 hrs"


What do physicians need to complete to prescribe a patient an Omnipod pump?

Statement of Medical Necessity Form (SMN)


Special Authority (SA) Form

NOT BOTH, one or the other


What feature is Omnipod most known forand can improve quality of life while pumping?



Name 3 settings that factor into the bolus calculation

1. BG Target and correct above 

2. ICR

3. Correction Factor

4. Reverse correction 

5. Min BG for calcs


What products can be used for added pod adhesion?

- Skin Tac

-Pod Pals

- Nexcare Liquid Bandaid 


- Hypafix, Mylix, Coban


If a patient continually forgets to bolus for meals or snacks, what customizable reminder can you turn on?

Missed bolus reminder


How do patients get registered with Omnipod?

Complete the online Patient Information Form


What is the lowest basal rate available on the Omnipod DASH?

0.00u /hr

Increases at 0.05u increments

Lowest TDD is 0.05


To prevent stacking of insulin, hypoglycemia ect, IOB is factored into the bolus calculator. What setting determines the length of time that IOB is calculated?

Duration of insulin action time


What products can be used as a barrier for skin irritation?



-IV 3000


If a patient is within warranty on a tubed pump and wants to switch to the Omnipod for Free, what is that Program called?

Cut the Cord Program


If patients are interested in learning more about the Omnipod before choosing a pump what resources are available to them?

Attend Pod 101 Session

Wear a Demo Pod and try the Virtual PDM

Contact Local Omnipod Representative

Omnipod Website


Name one of the Advanced Features on the Omnipod

- Temp basal

- Extended bolus

- Basal Programs


If a blood glucose reading is entered into the pump that is outside the calculator settings (too High >33.3, or too Low) and the bolus calculator is disabled, can a person still give insulin with the pod?

Yes, you can enter a manual bolus amount. The calculator will just not tell you how much insulin to give.


Methods/ products to remove the pod?

- Warm Bath, olive oil

- Tac Away

- Remove



When pumping insulin name 3 factors to consider when troubleshooting hyperglycemia.

Insulin expired / damaged

Missed bolus

Wrong basal program

Illness / stress/ activity

Site issue 


What is our POD Promise Program?

If a patient decides the pod is not right for them, they can return the system for a full refund of supplies and reverse their Pharamcare within 90-days of training.  


What is Omnipod's' slogan?

Hint: it's Simple

Simplify Life


If a patient’s BG is 15.6, their target is 6 and the pump suggest 4 units of insulin. What is the patients Correction Factor?

CF or ISF 2.4


What to do when a site is red after pod removal?

-call product support

- keep clean

-monitor for infections, consult physician



The Omnipod is covered for people living with T2D in BC. If a patient has a A1C greater than 9.0%, what is the average A1C reduction we see in people with T2D moving from MDI to the pod?

Average 2.3% reduction when A1C is >9.0%

- Also, average TTD of 35 unit reduction
