Employee Procedures
Program Structure
Lesson Plans
Safety & Supervision
All Relative

How are employees expected to clock in and out?

Through ADP

How many hours should program run per day?

3 hours per day (morning and afternoon combined)


What are the 3 steps to each lesson plan?

Open, Engage, Debrief


What does LOS stand for? Explain LOS.

LOS stands for Line of Sight. Students must be within students line of sight, never left unsupervised, and are within 10 steps of the staff. Students must also be in earshot


What do you do if scanning on Salesforce isn't working?

Utilize a SDAS (Single Day Attendance Sheet)


What should you do if you miss a punch or have an incorrect punch on ADP?

Leave a note on ADP before 10am the following day


what are the 3 types of offerings we are required to provide during program? 

(Hint: types of "clubs")

Enrichment, Academic Achievement, and Health & Wellness


What is the "Open" of lesson faciliation?

The open is signing in, setting expectations, going over Agreements, reading the objective, and introducing the lesson.


What does MBWA stand for? Explain MBWA.

MBWA stands for Manage by Walking Around. It is a staff requirement that staff must stay on their feet  and move around the environment 100% of the time in order to provide saftey & supervision


How often do staff have 1:1 meetings with their supervisor?

Once per a month


What is employee dresscode?

safe footwear (closed-toe shoes), think or college shirt, name badge and lanyard, inappropriate tattoos/piercings


How many days a week are we required to offer Health & Wellness?

Once per day


What is the "Engage" of lesson faciliation?

Engage is the activity and skill building. 90% of students should be engaged in something 90% of the time


What are the High School Pillars? How often should they be reviewed with students?

We are Family, We are Empowered, We are Leaders


What is Perris HS's ADA (average daily attendance) goal?

Our goal is 140 students per day


How far in advance should call-offs be made?

Afternoon program - at least 4 hours prior

Before school program - at least 2 hours prior


What are the attendance expectations for program?

Scanning in/out students immediately as they arrive/depart; SRS must be filled out in live-time as well


What is the "Debrief" of the lesson plan?

Debrief is asking questions to gather student feedback about the activity, activiate their critical thinking skills, and connect the lesson to college and career


How often should emergency drills be conducted?

Once a month.

We will have them the last Monday of every month


What does it mean to be a "mandater reporter"? What are the OYL expectations for being mandated reporter?

A mandated reporter is someone who is required by law to report all reasonable suspicions and knowledge of abuse/neglect; failure in reporting can result in up to 6 months in county jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

If an OYL suspects or has knowledge of neglect/abuse, they must report it to the SPM immediately so they can support you in CPS reporting procedures.


How and when do you submit time off requests for Perris HS?

Submit a time off request form to the SPM at least a week in advance (must be submitted by the Thursday before the days requesting off)


What time do SEL activities need to be facilitated in the Panther Lounge/Gaming Cafe?

At 3:50pm daily


What is a program huddle?

A program huddle is a section of Debrief that gathers student feedback on the lesson; OYLs use this to make the next lessons more engaging


What is the behavior support system?

Utilize the QR code in OYL binders for documentation

1. Set expectations at the beginning of every component

2. Give 2 warnings referncing the Agreements/Pillars and inform of potential consequences

3. Third & Final warning 0 have a conversation with the student(s)

4. Ask student to leave the group and/or program for the rest of the day

5. Call parent/guardian (with SPM approval)


What are the mentorship expectations for OYLs?

They must conduct monthly grade checks, create SMART goals with mentees, and facilitate at least one workshop per month
