What were the heresies that Athanasius fought against his whole life?
People who denied the trinity
What was the status of man at the time of Creation?
image of God and perfect
What did the incarnate Son of God do on earth in His human body?
Fulfilled the law
For those who place their trust in Christ, what is the consequence from His death and resurrection?
We will be made new into his kingdom
Why is it not incredible that God the Son is capable of becoming incarnated as a man?
Because he created the world. Therefore, controls what happens in it.
What was the divine dilemma?
God reconciling his Justice and his mercy to us
Why did the unbelieving Greeks deride the incarnation?
How did Christ’s death and resurrection abolish death for all believers?
He being the perfect sacrifice paid the debt of sin for us
Athanasius says the unbelief of the Jews of his day is refuted by what?
By the Old testament
What does Athanasius claim about the Scriptures?
He claims that the Scriptures “were written and inspired by God.”
How was the Divine dilemma solved?
Through Jesus Christ death on the cross
What prevailed after the fall?
What would have happened had the Son not be come incarnate and dwelt among men?
We would be condemned to hell still
What prophet foretold the virgin birth?
Prophet Isiah
What will Christ’s final bodily manifestation to us in history entail?
Christ will come in glory for the final judgment and the completion of the redemption and renewal of the world
Why is the incarnation the most important moment in history?
Because Jesus formation as a human changed our destiny
Why was repentance insufficient?
Because it did not reconcile God's Justice
Since Christ died for us, in what sense do all His followers die?
We die to ourselves and to sin
From whose seed shall the Messiah come, according to the prophets?
Seed of Jacob
What does the apostle Paul say about the final judgment?
We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive accord ing to the body, whether good or ill.
Who is responsible for the creation, order, and sustenance of the world?
Who was the only person that could restore humanity?
How does Athanasius understand Christ’s atonement for us in His death and resurrection?
Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice
To what does Athanasius compare the Jews in their denial of Christ?
They are like a “person who sees the earth lit up by the sun, but denies the sun that lights it up.”
What has Christ in store for His faithful when the redemption is complete?
Wonders that we can't even imagine yet.