A. Vocabulary
B. Main Idea/ Supporting Detail
C. Narrative Structure
D. Inferences/Summarizing
E. Cause/Effect

Which of the following denotation of the word portrayal? 

a. an obstacle or difficulty that must be overcome

b. to face or deal with a difficult situation or problem directly

c. the act of representing or describing someone or something in a particular way

d. the state of being important, famous, or noticeable

c. the act of representing or describing someone or something in a particular way


What does it mean to determine the central idea of a passage?

To find the point or message - what an author presents and what a reader takes from a text.



Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.

Why do you think the poet chose a bird to represent dreams? 

The poet might have chosen a bird because birds typically represent freedom, hope, and the ability to soar or rise above. A bird with broken wings is grounded and cannot experience that freedom.


Nina held the glass jar very carefully. The teacher told the students to be careful because the experiment could explode. Slowly, Nina poured the green liquid into a glass jar. She wiped the edge of the jar and set it on the table. Next, she picked up the tube of red liquid. She measured one drop of it. Nina then carefully added the red drop to the green liquid. Make an inference about the class Nina is in.

Nina is in science class. 


Alex got an A on his Spanish test because he studied hard over the weekend.

Because he studied hard over the weekend.


To attract the attention of advertisers and listeners alike, you’ll need to _________ your show.

A. monetize

B. promote

c. claim

B. promote


True or False: Supporting details provide information to clarify, prove, or explain the main idea. 



Once upon a time, a big company named Microsoft wanted to make a game system. They usually made computer things, but they decided to try something new. So, in 2001, they made their first game system called the Xbox. 

Who made the Xbox game system?

The Xbox game system was made by Microsoft.


Before the show I practice my lines. I like to look into the mirror and pretend. I fix my hair and makeup and get into my costume. Before the curtain rises, I am nervous but eager to begin performing.

An entertainer

Because I helped my father, he took me to the movies.

What is the cause?

Because I helped my father.


What does preliminary mean?

to quote or refer to (a book, author, or piece of information) as evidence or support for an argument or statement.


People who read this passage (What's for Breakfast) will learn:

A. what children eat for breakfast all over the world

B. what royalty in several countries has for breakfast

C. how many countries eat a breakfast meal each day

D. how breakfast has changed throughout history 

A. what children eat for breakfast all over the world


Read the sentence from the passage.

What she saw seemed simple enough—trees, grass, large boulders, and a very blue sky—but to her the view had a pattern, a pattern that spoke to her and that she wanted to put in her painting.

Why does the author describe what Linda saw in such detail?

A. to explain what art is

B. to describe the setting

C. to reveal her passion for art

D. to describe what her sister painted

C. to reveal her passion for art


Akia was riding home in the car with her mom after school. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her mom was talking to her about her day and asking her questions, but she hardly heard anything she said. Before she knew it, she opened her eyes and they were pulling up to her house.



What effect did the ancient Egyptians' discovery of yogurt have on their breakfast traditions?

A. Decrease in the consumption of bread

B. Introduction of new breakfast items

C. Shift towards sweetened yogurt

D. Increased popularity of homemade yogurt 


B. Introduction of new breakfast items


Chose the correct vocabulary term to fill in the blank:

Martin Luther King gained national _____________ as a black civil rights leader.


Define portrayal


the act of representing or describing someone or something in a particular way


What is the main idea of "What's For Breakfast?" 

A. Many traditional breakfast foods are served as soups.

B. Traditional breakfast foods vary from one part of the world to another.

C. The origins of many traditional breakfast foods are legendary.

D. Traditional breakfast foods are becoming more convenient to prepare. 

B. Traditional breakfast foods vary from one part of the world to another.



Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.

What is the main message of the poem? 

The main message is about the importance of holding onto one's dreams.


The information in this passage (What's for Breakfast) would be most useful for a paper on which topic?

A. comparing international foods

B. how to make an Asian breakfast

C. the importance of breakfast

D. the history of food around the world 


A. comparing international foods


What caused the migration of hot chocolate to Central America? 

A. Increased production of cacao beans

B. Influence of European colonization

C. Native Americans' preference for chocolate

D. Demand for spiced beverages 

B. Influence of European colonization


Give an example of a synonym for the word hurdle

obstacle, difficult, hard, challenging...


According to the passage (What's for Breakfast), all of these are common breakfast foods in Central America except: 


b. eggs

c. plantains

d. fish

D. Fish


In addition to all the fun, TikTok also provides a platform for learning and creativity. Many users share educational content about different subjects, and artists showcase their work, inspiring others with their creativity. However, like any other social media platform, it's important to be careful while using TikTok. You should always ask an adult's permission before downloading the app and be aware of what you share since everything you post can be seen by others. 

How do people use Tik-Tok for learning and creativity?

Many users share educational content about different subjects on Tik-Tok, and artists showcase their work, using the platform for learning and creativity.


The article “The Three Men Who Invented the Telephone” is about three different men who contributed to the invention of the telephone. Which of the following should you include in a summary of this article?

a. details about how smartphones and cell phones work

b. a detail about where the phrase "put someone on hold" came from

c. a brief explanation of how each man was involved in the invention of the telephone

d. your opinion about who really invented the telephone


c. a brief explanation of how each man was involved in the invention of the telephone


Careless is to accident as careful is to________?     

  a. mistake b. safety c. luck d. satisfaction

b. safety 
