DIC/Blood Transfusions

A patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is being treated with chemotherapy. Which nursing intervention is most important during this treatment?

  • A. Monitor for signs of infection
  • B. Encourage a high-protein diet
  • C. Assess for dehydration
  • D. Administer antiemetics prior to treatment
  • A. Monitor for signs of infection.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are at a heightened risk for infections due to neutropenia, so monitoring for signs of infection is a critical nursing intervention during treatment. Excellent choice!


A nurse is educating a patient with HIV about infection control measures. Which of the following statements indicates a need for further teaching?

  • A. "I should wash my hands frequently and use hand sanitizer."
  • B. "I can safely receive live vaccines."
  • C. "I should avoid large crowds and people who are sick."
  • D. "I will notify my doctor if I develop a fever or signs of infection."
  • B. "I can safely receive live vaccines."

This statement indicates a need for further teaching, as patients with HIV are generally advised to avoid live vaccines due to their compromised immune systems.


After lung surgery, a patient with a chest tube is experiencing difficulty breathing. Which nursing action is the priority?

  • A. Administer bronchodilators as prescribed.
  • B. Increase the head of the bed to facilitate lung expansion.
  • C. Check the chest tube for kinks and ensure it is functioning properly.
  • D. Provide the patient with supplemental oxygen.

  • C. Check the chest tube for kinks and ensure it is functioning properly.
    (Ensuring the chest tube is functioning is crucial for resolving respiratory distress before administering medications or supplemental oxygen.)


Before starting a blood transfusion, which action is essential for the nurse to perform?

  • A. Administer antihistamines
  • B. Take baseline vital signs
  • C. Start the transfusion immediately
  • D. Document the procedure
  • B. Take baseline vital signs.

Taking baseline vital signs is essential before starting a blood transfusion to monitor for any changes during the procedure.


When educating a patient about their tuberculosis medication regimen, which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?

  • A. "I should take my medications as prescribed for the entire duration."
  • B. "It’s normal for my urine to turn orange/red while on these medications."
  • C. "I can stop taking my medications if I start to feel better."
  • D. "I need to report any changes in my vision or hearing to my doctor."
  • C. "I can stop taking my medications if I start to feel better."

This statement indicates a need for further teaching, as it is essential for patients with tuberculosis to complete their entire medication regimen, even if they start to feel better, to prevent the development of drug resistance.


A nurse is providing education to a patient with leukemia about bleeding precautions. Which of the following statements indicates a need for further teaching?

  • A. "I should avoid using sharp objects."
  • B. "I can take aspirin for headaches."
  • C. "I will notify my doctor if I notice any bruising."
  • D. "I should use a soft-bristled toothbrush."
  • B. "I can take aspirin for headaches."

This statement indicates a need for further teaching, as aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding, which is a concern for patients with leukemia. The other statements reflect appropriate understanding of bleeding precautions. Great job!


A patient receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) for HIV asks why it’s essential to take medications on time. Which of the following responses by the nurse is most appropriate?

  • A. "Taking your medications on time helps prevent side effects."
  • B. "It is important to take them on time to avoid drug resistance."
  • C. "It will help you feel better faster."
  • D. "It makes the medications more effective at curing HIV."
  • B. "It is important to take them on time to avoid drug resistance."


A patient with suspected disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) presents with hematuria and petechiae. What should the nurse prioritize in the assessment?

  • A. Measuring capillary refill time
  • B. Checking for oral ulcers
  • C. Monitoring vital signs
  • D. Assessing lung sounds

C. Monitoring vital signs
(Vital signs are critical to assess for signs of shock or bleeding.)


During the initial 15 minutes of a blood transfusion, the nurse should:

  • A. Infuse the blood at a rapid rate.
  • B. Monitor the patient for signs of a transfusion reaction.
  • C. Check vital signs only after 30 minutes.
  • D. Administer medications to prevent allergic reactions.
  • B. Monitor the patient for signs of a transfusion reaction.

During the initial 15 minutes of a blood transfusion, it is crucial to closely monitor the patient for any signs of an adverse reaction.


A patient with tuberculosis is experiencing peripheral neuropathy as a side effect of their medication regimen. Which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer to help manage this condition?

  • A. Methotrexate
  • B. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
  • C. Gabapentin
  • D. Acetaminophen

B. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is often given to help manage peripheral neuropathy, especially in patients receiving certain medications for tuberculosis.


A nurse is assessing a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Which of the following findings would the nurse expect to observe? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Oral ulcers
  • B. Night sweats
  • C. Elevated platelet count
  • D. Petechiae
  • E. Bone pain
  • A. Oral ulcers
  • B. Night sweats
  • D. Petechiae
  • E. Bone pain

These findings are all associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The elevated platelet count (C) would not be expected, as patients with AML typically have thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts). Great job!


A nurse is planning dietary interventions for a patient with HIV. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Encourage a high-protein, high-caloric diet.
  • B. Monitor electrolyte levels regularly.
  • C. Suggest a diet high in dairy products.
  • D. Assess for oral ulcers and pain.
  • E. Restrict fluid intake to 1-2 L/day.
  • A. Encourage a high-protein, high-caloric diet.
  • B. Monitor electrolyte levels regularly.
  • D. Assess for oral ulcers and pain.

These strategies are essential for the nutritional management of a patient with HIV.

C. Suggest a diet high in dairy products is generally not recommended, especially if the patient has diarrhea, as dairy can exacerbate symptoms in some individuals.


A patient who underwent lung surgery has a chest tube in place. Which nursing intervention should the nurse prioritize to promote optimal recovery?

  • A. Administer pain medication before chest tube insertion.
  • B. Ensure the chest tube drainage system is below the level of the chest.
  • C. Encourage the patient to ambulate immediately after surgery.
  • D. Assess the chest tube for air leaks every 8 hours.

  • B. Ensure the chest tube drainage system is below the level of the chest.

This helps maintain proper drainage and prevents backflow. Let me know if you need more questions or any adjustments!


Which symptom is most indicative of an acute hemolytic reaction to a blood transfusion?

  • A. Rash
  • B. Low back pain
  • C. Headache
  • D. Fever

Low back pain is a classic symptom of an acute hemolytic reaction to a blood transfusion.

D. Fever can occur with various types of transfusion reactions, but it is not specific to acute hemolytic reactions.


A nurse is preparing to care for a patient with active tuberculosis. Which of the following precautions should be implemented? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Place the patient in a negative pressure room.
  • B. Use an N95 mask that is fit tested.
  • C. Provide the patient with a surgical mask if they leave the room.
  • D. Visitors do not need to wear masks.
  • E. Dispose of used tissues in a trash can.
  • A. Place the patient in a negative pressure room.
  • B. Use an N95 mask that is fit tested.
  • C. Provide the patient with a surgical mask if they leave the room.

These precautions are essential for preventing the transmission of tuberculosis.


A nurse is assessing a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the acute (blast crisis) phase. Which symptoms should the nurse expect to find? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Enlarged spleen
  • B. Severe fatigue
  • C. Elevated blood pressure
  • D. Bone pain
  • E. Increased appetite
  • A. Enlarged spleen
  • B. Severe fatigue
  • D. Bone pain

These symptoms are indicative of the acute (blast crisis) phase of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). 


A patient with HIV is experiencing respiratory difficulties. Which assessment findings would the nurse consider significant? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Decreased breath sounds
  • B. Increased respiratory rate
  • C. Cyanosis of the lips
  • D. Clear lung sounds
  • E. Productive cough with green sputum
  • A. Decreased breath sounds
  • B. Increased respiratory rate
  • C. Cyanosis of the lips
  • E. Productive cough with green sputum

These findings are significant indicators of respiratory distress and possible infection in a patient with HIV.


Which of the following are known risk factors for developing colorectal cancer? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Age over 50
  • B. Family history of colorectal cancer
  • C. High-fiber diet
  • D. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • E. Rectal polyps

A, B, D, E
(Age over 50, family history, IBD, and Rectal polyps are recognized risk factors.)


Question 9: Signs of Acute Hemolytic Reaction

A patient receiving a blood transfusion suddenly develops low back pain, tachycardia, and hypotension. What should the nurse do next? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Stop the transfusion.
  • B. Maintain venous access with normal saline.
  • C. Administer antihistamines.
  • D. Send the blood bag and tubing to the blood bank.
  • E. Monitor the patient's blood pressure closely.
  • A. Stop the transfusion.
  • B. Maintain venous access with normal saline.
  • D. Send the blood bag and tubing to the blood bank.
  • E. Monitor the patient's blood pressure closely.

These actions are appropriate for managing an acute hemolytic reaction during a blood transfusion.


While monitoring a patient with tuberculosis, which lab values should the nurse be particularly vigilant about? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Hemoglobin and hematocrit (H/H)
  • B. Platelet count
  • C. Liver function tests
  • D. Blood glucose levels
  • E. BUN and creatinine levels
  • A. Hemoglobin and hematocrit (H/H)
  • B. Platelet count
  • C. Liver function tests
  • E. BUN and creatinine levels

D. Blood glucose levels is not typically a priority for monitoring in the context of tuberculosis treatment.


Which statements made by a patient undergoing a stem cell transplant indicate the need for further teaching? (Select all that apply)

  • A. "I will be in the hospital for 1-2 weeks after the transplant."
  • B. "I will receive chemotherapy or radiation before the transplant."
  • C. "The stem cells can only come from my bone marrow."
  • D. "After the transplant, I will need to stay in isolation for some time."
  • E. "Once I receive the transplant, I will be cured immediately."

The answers indicating the need for further teaching are:

  • C. "The stem cells can only come from my bone marrow." (Stem cells can also be collected from peripheral blood.)
  • E. "Once I receive the transplant, I will be cured immediately." (Cure may take time, and ongoing monitoring and care are necessary.)

Which of the following statements regarding HIV diagnostic tests is true? (Select all that apply)

  • A. The ELISA test detects HIV antibodies and is a common initial screening test.
  • B. A positive ELISA test requires confirmation with a Western blot test.
  • C. The HIV viral load test shows the number of CD4 cells in the body.
  • D. A CD4 count is used to monitor disease progression.
  • E. The Western blot test can be positive within 7 days after exposure.
  • A. The ELISA test detects HIV antibodies and is a common initial screening test.
  • B. A positive ELISA test requires confirmation with a Western blot test.
  • D. A CD4 count is used to monitor disease progression.

The HIV viral load test measures the amount of actively replicating HIV in the blood, not CD4 cells.

The Western blot test can be positive within 28 days after exposure.


Which of the following actions should the nurse take before administering a blood transfusion? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Ensure informed consent is obtained
  • B. Establish a 22-gauge IV access
  • C. Administer pre-medications as ordered
  • D. Verify patient identity and blood compatibility with a second nurse
  • E. Check for allergies to blood products

A, C, D, E
(Obtaining consent, verifying identity and compatibility, and checking allergies are all critical pre-transfusion steps.)


A nurse is assessing a patient with suspected DIC. Which findings would indicate bleeding? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Capillary refill > 3 seconds
  • B. Tachycardia
  • C. Hypotension
  • D. Weak pulses
  • E. Warm extremities
  • B. Tachycardia
  • C. Hypotension
  • D. Weak pulses

These findings indicate bleeding in a patient with DIC.

A. Capillary refill > 3 seconds indicates poor perfusion but is related to clotting issues in the context of DIC.


A nurse is assessing a patient suspected of having tuberculosis. Which of the following findings should the nurse anticipate during the assessment? (Select all that apply)

  • A. Fatigue
  • B. Low-grade fever
  • C. Productive cough with purulent sputum
  • D. Rapid weight gain
  • E. Night sweats

  • A. Fatigue
  • B. Low-grade fever
  • C. Productive cough with purulent sputum

These findings are typical symptoms associated with tuberculosis.

D. Rapid weight gain would not be expected, as patients with TB often experience weight loss.
