Infection Control
Medication Reconciliation

What the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of infection?

Hand hygiene


Who is the person responsible for going over the consent (risks and benefits) with the patient.

The provider (APP or MD)?


What is required for you to fill out if you flag a medication for the provider to review?

An order note to identify the reason the patient says they are not taking the med.


True or false: You should wear an N95 mask when working with a patient that is suspected or confirmed to have Tb, measles, chicken pox, disseminated shingles, smallpox or SARS.



What is the term that describes an approach to infection control to treat all human blood and certain human body fluids as if they were known to be infectious for HIV, HBV and other blood-borne pathogens?

Universal or Standard Precautions


What should be filled out on every consent form?

Every blank space: provider signature and date and time if needed AND patient signature and date and time if needed. 


What are the reasons an MA can "Delete" a medication from the patients "Med Hx" list?

Duplicate medications  

Course of therapy completed  

Old/Expired prescriptions 

Alternate therapy 

Requested removal through My Health Connection

One time DME Order completed


What is the required PPE when touching any surface that may have bodily fluids on it (including the patient)?



What must you do if you've come in contact with a surface or person that may have C-diff? (2 answers)

Wash your hands with soap and water and use facility approved bleach-based wipes to clean surfaces.


Where do you find the newest consent forms?

Print Center on the Source


Is it okay to ask the patient if there are any changes to their medications and then select "taking all medications" if they say no? 

NO!!!  Each medication must be reviewed with the patient, including dose and instructions.


What are the two situations you should wear protective eyewear?

When there is a potential for exposure to bodily fluids by splash and as outlined by the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when using cleaning supplies or performing a task which a splash in the eye may be possible.


What type of isolation is required for influenza or meningitis?



What do you do if you notice a consent form does not have all of the require blanks filled in?

Obtain the needed information BEFORE sending it to medical records for scanning!


What do you do if the patient reports not taking a medication because it makes them feel sick?

Flag the medication for the provider to remove


What should you wear if you are at risk to being exposed to a patient's bodily fluids and they are receiving a hazardous drug?

Gown and double gloves and protective eye wear if potential for splashing.


What is required to have done after a patient with an illness requiring contact precautions leaves one of the exam rooms?

Terminal clean (by housekeeping if available)


What is no longer required on the new consent forms?

Witness signature 


What is required to be done when you've completed the med review with the patient- for "Meaningful Use"?

Click "Mark as Reviewed"


Why is it not okay to use non-authorized hand lotions or soaps at work? (3 answers)

The ingredients can break down the material in the gloves.

The smell can be nauseating to patients.

They are not rated for hospital use to kill microorganisms, and lotions may harbor bacteria.
