
Mrs. Schanuel's class collected 23 cans of food for the annual food drive. Mrs. Mercier's class collected 15 cans. Mrs.Coello's class collected 14 cans. How many cans did the three classes collect?

What is 52

One summer night, Angie counted 63 lightening bugs. the next night she counted 99 lightening. How many more lightening bugs were counted on the second night than the first night?
What is 36

Brielle, Nicole, and Gianna have stickers. Brielle has 21 stickers. Nicole has 35 stickers. How many stickers does Gianna have if the three girls have 95 stickers in all?

What is 39

Tim, Kyle, and Tyler were throwing baseballs. Kyle threw the ball 35 feet, and Tyler threw the ball 26 feet. If the total number of feet thrown was 122, how far did Tim throw the baseball?
What is 61
Maya, Rhianna, and Yesenia were reading books. Maya read 92 books, Rhianna read 85 books, and Yesenia read 71 books. How many more books did Maya read than Rhianna?
What is 7

Asher has 65 Skittles. He dropped 32 on the floor. How many skittles are NOT on the floor?

What is 33

Elijah has 93 grapes. Some are red and 25 are green grapes. How many are red grapes?
What is 68
Mehdi did some running this week. He tracked his running in his journal. On Monday, he ran 2 miles, on Tuesday he ran 6 miles, on Wednesday he ran 3 miles, and on Friday he ran 4 miles. How many miles did Mehdi run this week?
What is 15 miles
Forty-three second grade students ordered pizza for lunch. The same number of students ordered popcorn chicken for lunch. How many students ordered either pizza or popcorn chicken?
What is 86

One hundred eleven dogs were at the pound. Nineteen of the dogs were adopted. How many dogs are left at the pound?

What is 92


Adeline had 22 beads. She lost some of them. Now she has 10 beads. How many beads did Dalena lose?

What is 12

Monteges collects coins. He has 84 coins in his collection. There are 14 dines and 30 quarters. The rest are pennies. How many of Monteges's coins are pennies?
What is 40

Giullia bought 2 packages of crayons for with 8 crayons each each. She also bought one package of 12 pencils. How many crayons and pencils did Giullia have?

What is 28


Addy spun a wheel two times.  She scored 72 points in all.  One spin landed on the number 35.

What number did the other spin land on?

What is 37


John loves M&M's. He had a bag of 34 M&M's, and his mom gave him another bag with 39 M&M's. How many M&M's does John have now?

What is 73


John  loves gummy bears. He had a bag of 24 gummy bears. Braydin gave him another bag of 36 gummy bears. How many gummy bears does John have now?

What is 60


A total of 98 children are in their second grade classrooms. 29 second graders go to the cafeteria and 32 go to the library. How many children are still in their classrooms?

What is 37

Antonio, Jake, and Tyrell have Pokemon cards. Antonio has 26, Jake has 12, and Tyrell has 9. How many more Pokemon cards does Antonio have than Jake and Tyrell combined?
What is 5
Reanna and Jajaira were at the beach collecting seashells. Reanna found 36 and Jajaira found 52. How many more seashells did Jajaira find than Reanna?
What is 16
Shawn and Elijah were at Sea World. Shawn fed Shamu 27 fish and Elijah fed Shamu 28 fish. How many fish did Shamu eat?
What is 55

Brielle wants to solve 65-47 using place value blocks.  How will Brielle regroup to find the difference?

A) Brielle needs to regroup 47 as 4 tens and 7 ones.

B)Brielle needs to regroup 65 as 5 tens and 15 ones.

C) Brielle needs to regroup 65 as 6 tens and 15 ones.

D) Brielle does not need to regroup to find the difference.

B) 5 tens and 15 ones


Morikami has 37 square windows.  The school also has 25 round windows.  19 of the windows are broken.  How many windows are NOT broken?

43 windows are not broken.


Coach Drake had 30 kickballs.  During the schoolyear, 14 were lost over the fence.  Coach bought 6 more.  

How many kickballs are there now?

What is 22


Christian has 38 legos.  Perry has 7 fewer legos than Christian.  Perry gives 6 legos to his friend.  

Show both equations needed to solve the problem.

How many legos does Perry have now?



Ms. Okeson and Mrs. Nelson were cleaning out their closets. Ms. Okeson found 38 lollipops and 42 Airheads. Mrs. Nelson found 37 lollipops and 33 Milky Ways. How many pieces of candy did she find in her closet? Who found the most candy in their closet? How many more candies did she find?
What is Ms. Okeson found more. She found 10 more.