Cecille gets in a yelling match with a Black Panther.
Person vs. Person
What genre is One Crazy Summer?
What part of New York does the story take place in?
What is Brooklyn
Who is the youngest sister?
"Those clouds weren't through with us yet and dealt another Cassius Clay - left and a right- jab to the body of our Boeing 727."
Personification (or Allusion)
The plane experienced a lot of turbulance on the flight to California.
Person vs. Nature
When do the girls go to California to visit their mother?
What year does the story take place?
What is 1968 (or 1967)
What is Cecille's poet name?
"She whirled around in the living room like a dance recital fairy."
Delphine wonders if they made the right decision to visit Cecille.
Person vs. Self
What is the purpose of the camp?
To help the Black PAnthers with the protests
What was Delphine excited to see from the airplane?
the Golden Gate Bridge
What is the name of Fern's doll?
Miss Patty Cake
"When my sisters and I speak, one after the other, it's like a song we sing, a game we play. We never need to pass signals. We just fire off rat-a-tat-tat-tat."
The Black Panthers riot in the strets to protest civil rights.
Person vs. Society
Why does Delphine get upset about all the Chinese food?
She thinks a proper mother should cook dinner for their kids.
What do the girls fight about in their new room?
Who is going to sleep on the top bunk
Who is the name of the boy who was "the Earth" and spun around "the sun?"
"She screamed and threw her body into Vonetta like a missile flying into outer space."
The typewriter that Cecille uses to type her poems falls to floor and shatters.
Person vs. Technology
What does Fern do when Vonetta colors her doll with a black marker?
She screams loudly and attacks Vonetta.
Why are the protests happening?
to protest segregation
What is the name of their uncle?
"We stood on the edges of the room surrounding the posters, like we were on dry land and the posters were floating out to sea."