5 o'clock in the morning
What is "reveille"?
They would have to dig holes and surround the worksite with barbed wire so that they could not escape.
What were the prisoners required to do?
They use the adjective "Special" for ________
What adjective is used to describe " slave-labor camps?
Keeping warm
What is work?
During his eight years at the labor camp, what was the hardest thing for Ivan to part with?
What was his cherished pair of leather boots?
Time that belonged to Ivan every morning.
What is 90 minutes before work is assembled?
The Zeks' work
What was the only way to keep warm?
Senka's advice for surviving the labor camps.
What is hiding your pride?
This was either burned or removed to another project
What is scaffolding?
Who believes that after four weeks, God crumbles up the moon and shreds it to occupy the spaces where previous stars had fallen?
What do the people from Shukhov's old village believe about the moon and stars?
10 o'clock in the evening
What is the day ends for the prisoners?
Zeks used the word "Citizen" instead of
What is the word "comrade"?
They were not allowed to work during this because they might try to escape.
What is a snowstorm?
While lvan was laying down bricks and mortar with his squad, Der complained about the roof felt that was being used to protect the men from the cold and keep their mortar from freezing.
What complaint did the foreman, Der, bring upon Tiurin?
Shukov accidentally brings back the small bit of hacksaw that he found
What did Shukov accidentally bring back with him from the work camp?
Knee-length felt boots for winter wear
What are "valenkis?
The prisoners were only allowed one pair of boots, so for them to receive a new Valenki, their former boots would have to be surrendered.
By the time the new pairs of Valenki were issued, what Soviet new policy was created?
The whole force of prisoners was given a quota to fulfill which was negatively reinforced by lessening the food rations. It was also necessary to work hard just to endure the harsh weather.
How was hard work enforced in the camps?
The headcount was one short
What prevented the zeks from marching back to camp after finishing work?
Shukov prays, "Oh Lord save me! Don't let them send me to the cells.
What does Shukov pray while he is being searched?
He tells him not to lick the food of others' plates, not to rely on doctors, and not to squeal on buddies
What advice did Kuziomin give to lvan?
Buinovsky complained that forcing men to undress in -17-degree weather was against the spirit of communism and received a punishment _______
What is ten days in "the cells.""
The sun is at its highest point at one o'clock.
What decree did "Soviet Power" issue concerning the sun?
They concealed small quantities of wood, which collected between whole squads could be effective
What did the prisoners sneak back with them from work?
"It doesn't remember how well you treated it yesterday; it'll cry out for more tomorrow.
Why does Solzhenitsyn say, "the belly is a demon"?